Tube Man

Tube Man is an art toy made from left over parts of a previous instructable:
He consists of 8 vacuum tubes salvaged from an ancient television, plastic wobble eyes from a craft store, a cap from a WD-40 can, an empty plastic wire spool, and lots and lots of hot glue.
Tube Man's primary role is that of entertainment, however when he's not entertaining, he is always hard at work. Whether monitoring a wireless access point, checking on the printer, monitoring a keyboard, or waiting for a phone call -- Tube Man is always ready.
His arms never get tired.
His mind never wanders.
His eyes never close.
He is always on the job.
He is................TUBE MAN!!
He consists of 8 vacuum tubes salvaged from an ancient television, plastic wobble eyes from a craft store, a cap from a WD-40 can, an empty plastic wire spool, and lots and lots of hot glue.
Tube Man's primary role is that of entertainment, however when he's not entertaining, he is always hard at work. Whether monitoring a wireless access point, checking on the printer, monitoring a keyboard, or waiting for a phone call -- Tube Man is always ready.
His arms never get tired.
His mind never wanders.
His eyes never close.
He is always on the job.
He is................TUBE MAN!!