Tube Man

This is a minature version of the tube man that is mostly used in car dealerships to catch the attraction of new clients.

- Tissue paper
- 9 volt Battery
- Tape
- Repurposed fan
- Top half of a water bottle
- Alligator cables
- Sharpie
- Switch
For this project you will not need a lot of things. You are going to be able to find most of the materials at home.

- Get tissue paper, measure that everything fits properly in its position before putting together

- Cut the paper in half and then roll it up a little bit then tape it and make like a tube with one hole on the bottom

- After doing the little man you start setting up the battery and wires so the fan can be able to function

- Then tape the wires and the batteries so the fan is able to function and then create a switch.

- When the fan can be turn on and off then create a base so the fan can go on that base and the base be able to sustain it
Little Man

- Then put the fan on a bottle so the bottle can go through the little man and create the right ventilation needed so the man can stay up.
- Tape the end between the bottle and the man and done. Look at the man being filled with air.