
Instead of going to the store and buying a turntable for twenty some dollars you can just make one for $0-$10! (I already had all the stuff so this didn't cost me anything :)
1.Cardboard (cereal boxes)
2.Triple AAA battery
4.Electrical wire
5.Card stock
6.Electrical switch
7.Dowel (0.5cm)
8.Gear (3cm)
9.Gear (0.6cm)
10.Black (spray) paint
11.Gray (spray) paint
12.Super glue
14.Soldering iron (and solder)
15.1/2 in. nut
16.6V DC 100RPM dual shaft reduced gear motor (https://www.ebay.com/itm/263478554163?var=562507210272&hash=item3d588bae33:g:1N4AAOSww-Bad-x5&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4G8GQALcGyDOEtfjVtQfzevVKnm7P1Glz1tNIu%2Fr4t%2BRwU6AQc%2FclSa3YmDzuG6wgaPb4pQS6th9EXGBJ4to8rPajuyVMUkJfUFVwtyqqJgjuu0F%2FfGz%2BViAz5eB%2B0wxxkIX1kN3ybL43OGb8sMYZtvbOTLxBbijRRy0YDOKTujV2w4gUbcVUccZZjrJMG5ZCMzgwIqTObKIdeMELZkahcfZVCCkZTf0752UuIXWyg8GD0oF6AQ394fyn5Aasfdev%2BRKKGke9Uwu2gzeV5Vahn91ZUEbOdK2ijUYBc3bL5jE%7Ctkp%3ABFBMrrHtkIti)
(I switch between metric and customary units throughout these steps)

The first step was to solder wires to each end of the motor and solder the switch(pic.2). Then cut two strips of foil and fold them up into little squares approximately 1.5cm on each side(pic.3). Glue a smaller square of cardboard into the middle of one of the foil squares(pic.4) to help it contact the negative side of the battery better and then solder the end of the wires onto the foil squares(pic.5). Glue a toothpick on one side of the motor housing(pic.6), slide the smaller gear onto the toothpick(cut of excess toothpick)(pic.7) and snip of the other side of the shaft on the motor(pic.8).
Making Battery Compartment and Completing Electronics

Take one of your cereal boxes, draw the layout of the battery compartment onto the cardboard(pic.1) and cut it out(pic.2). As you can see in picture 3 there's a little room on both sides of the battery so cut out two strips of card stock(12.5cm. by 1.5 cm) and fold them as seen in picture 5. Glue those card stock pieces into the battery compartment(pic.6,7) and finally glue the foil squares in place on the ends of the battery compartment(pic.8).
Making the Table Top

First step is to cut out 2 circles 6in in diameter(pic.1)(poke a hole in one of the circles big enough to fit the dowel through). Next cut out two strips of cardboard 1cm wide and as tall as the cereal box(pic.2). Cut one of the strips in half and divide one half into 2cm length pieces(pic.3)(these pieces will be to support the inside of the table top). Then take the long strip and start wrapping it around the out side of the circle(pic.4). Take the 2cm pieces and glue them in the inside for support(pic.5,6). Next thing to do is to glue the circle with the hole in it on and paint it(pic.7,8). Lastly poke two smaller holes(big enough for a toothpick) on either side of the big hole about 4 centimeters apart(pic.8).
Turntable Bottom

Cut two circles 5 inches in diameter(pic.1) and a two strips of card stock 2 inches wide(pic.2) and long enough to make it all the way around the circle(cut the hole for the switch now before you glue the strips on unlike me(pic.3)). Start wrapping the strips of card stock around both circles but only gluing it onto one (pic.4, 5). Cut three strips of cardboard 3/8 inches wide(pic.6) and then 2 inches long(pic.7)(about 19 strips and save one for later). Use the strips of cardboard to support the card stock joints and the whole inside of the circle(pic.8, 9, 10).
Gluing Electronics in Place

Take the 1/2 nut(pic.1) and glue in the center of the circle(pic.2). Make some supports for the motor out of three strips of cardboard and match sticks(pic.3) and glue them in place just next to the nut(pic.4). I test fitted every thing and glued the motor housing in place(pic.5, 6)(the motor housing was just far enough away from the wall that I could slip the actual motor in and out). Glue the big gear in place on the dowel and cut the dowel to length. I also bent one of the tabs of the switch so I could slip the switch in and out of its hole as well(pic.7). In order to make the top removable glue some tabs inside the circle just about a millimeter from the top edge for the top circle to rest on(pic.5). Take the electronics out, tape over the holes(pic.8) and spray paint the hole thing black(pic.9). Last things to do are slide the motor into the housing and bend the tab of the switch back into place(pic.10).
Last Step

Use the last strip of cardboard (2in x 3/8 in) and cut three holes in it: one big one in the center for the dowel, and two more on the ends for toothpicks(pic.1)(make sure the holes line up with the ones on the bottom of the table top(pic.2)). Cut of the ends of a toothpick(pic.3) and glue them in the holes(pic.4). Line everything up and glue the piece in place on the dowel(pic.5). Lastly make sure the dowel is in the nut and put the top on. Let me know if you make one of your own!!

Here's a video!!