Tyre Star

There are piles of used tyres.
What to do with old used tyres?
How to recycle them into useful things?
This instructable is giving step by step procedure to convert used two wheeler tyre into tyre wall hanging.

Used tyre
Sharp Knife

Clean a tyre. Make marking on one side. 15 to 16 'V' shape markings will do. With the help of sharp knife & hammer cut along the markings. If find it hard to cut, apply some water on the marks. Be careful while cutting. Knife's sharp edge should be pointing away from the body.

A star ring can be removed from tyre, as shown in above photograph.

Star shape removed from tyre.

Front part colored keeping inner ring empty.

Inner ring painted with sky blue color.

Backside of the tyre star.

Backside painted with the sky blue color

Finished wall hanging made from tyre.

Another color combination in wall hanging. You can try with various color combinations.