UC CCM- Body Drop Box

by janaysukkarieh in Workshop > Woodworking

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UC CCM- Body Drop Box


This instructable will walk you through how to make a center splitting box that is able to deploy a pretend body from the sky for theatrical applications. This method will tackle this issue using linear actuators as the deployment method.


- 8 1"x4"x8' Sticks of Lumber

- 2 Linear Actuators

- 2 Sheets of 1/4" MDF or 3/16" Lauan

- 4 D-Rings w/ keeps

- Shackles

- Air Craft Cable (length of desired hanging height)

- Black Paint

- Narrow Crown Stapler

- 1-1/2" Narrow Crown Staples

- 3/4" Narrow Crown Staples

- Wood Glue

- 3/16" Bolts, washers, nuts

- Flathead screwdriver

- 1 1/2" Screws


- 1/8"x1.5" Aluminum flatstock (you only need like a foot to make brackets)

-1" holesaw


Step 1: Building the Box


*Reference Attached PDF for Drafting*

1. Begin by ripping down 1"x4" sticks to 1-5/8"

2. Staple together using 1 1/2" narrow crown staples & wood glue

3. You will need 2 side sqaure end cap frames & 3 rectangular sides

4. Staple frames together

5. Cut 1/4" MDF or 3/16" Lauan for facing the inside of each frame in the box

6. Staple on facing using 3/4" narrow crown staples

7. Make 2 Door frames that are 6'3 x 11 3/4" (They are meant to be larger than the box so we have somewhere for the brackets to sit)

8. Add facing to bottom of door frames

9. Attach doors to box using 2 hinges on the long side of each door

- Make sure to leave a 1/2" gap between the doors so they can open easily.

Step 2: Attaching Hardware & Making Brackets


1. Bolt on 4 D-Ring Plates to the top of the box on either side of the square ends

- Use 3/16" Flat Head Bolts (Make sure flat side is on the inside of the box).

2. Attach 4 - 4' (or whatever desired hanging height is) 1/8" Air Craft Cables to the D-Rings using shackles

3. Cut 1/8"x 1 1/2" Aluminum flat stock to 3" (Make 4)

4. Bend to 90 deg.

5. Drill 2 holes in metal for screws

6. On the opposite side cut a 1" hole in the aluminium using a hole saw

7. Screw in the bracket on the edge of each door (Reference image)

8. Test opening & closing the doors to make sure they dont run into each other and can open & close fluidly.

Step 3: Adding Linear Actuator


1. Make sure you have 2 Linear Actuators (you will be using one on each side)

2. Test Extension & Retraction

-When Linear Actuator is extended, make sure it is able to go through both brackets

-When retracted ensure that it isnt touching your brackets so they will be able to fall open easily

-Mark this placement

3. Attach your actuator to the side of your box at the designated placement w/ plumbers strap or mounting bolts if your actuator has them

4. Add a small piece of wood behind your actuator to ensure it doesnt move when firing

Step 4: Test & Make Pretty


1. Hang up your box

2. Plug in your linear actuators & Test! (Make sure both actuators start extended)

3. As they retract your box lids should open

4. Once that works- make pretty & paint black so it dissapears!

5. TA DA ! You can now have a big ol box to drop bodies or whatever else you would like!