Made using pine, this unique bird feeder is a simple project that looks stunning when hung up in the garden.
Not your average bird feeder! My son wanted to make a bird feeder for his garden but he wanted anything but ordinary and I must admit, I'm quite impressed with the way it turned out. The design used very little PAR pine to make and it looks wonderful out in the garden.
1 of 250 x 127mm pine - main frame
1 of 127 x 127mm pine - locking ring
1 of 207 x 207mm pine - seed tray
1 of 127 x 127mm pine - cap base
Waterproof wood glue
Pack of 8mm dowels
Chain and accessories to hang
Exterior sealer
Drill/driver and spade bit (same width as top of bottle)
Router and cutting bit or wood chisel
Tape measure and pencil
Make the Individual Components

You need to cut 4 different components to assemble the bird feeder, and each one is shown below. Use the diagrams as a reference for the size and cut out with a jigsaw.
See diagrams.
For the seed tray, you need to cut the shape and then remove the centre section to create the tray.
GOOD TO KNOW: This was a bit of trial and error that actually worked. A cutting bit was placed in the router to remove wood to half the thickness of the board to create the seed tray.
Drill holes for dowels to support the main frame. Position these so that they will line up with the bottom of the main frame. Drill to a depth of 10mm and then insert wood glue and dowels.
Use wood glue and screws to attach the cap base to the main frame.
Assemble the Components

To assemble the components:
Drill holes in the bottom of the cap base that line up with the holes in the seed tray. Only drill to a depth of 10mm. Apply wood glue to the holes and place the main frame on top of the seed tray.
GOOD TO KNOW: The gap between the cap base and seed tray should be enough to allow birdseed to flow freely from the bottle into the seed tray.
Attach a hanger to hang the bird feeder outside. This bird feeder is hung with a length of chain mounted onto the top of the main frame.
GOOD TO KNOW: After assembling the bird feeder, 8mm dowels were added around the seed tray as perches.
To protect the finished bird feeder from the elements, apply an exterior sealer or your choice of finish.
To fill the seed bottle, turn upside down, remove the locking ring, unscrew the bottle, fill with bird seed and screw into the cap base. Add the locking ring and place right-side up.
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