Ugly Christmas Sweater

Let's Create a Christmas Tree Out of Pom - Poms

- Get an old sweater you are no longer fond of.
- Heat up your glue gun.
- Using a marker, outline your shape. We chose a Christmas tree.
- Start gluing your pom - poms into the shape you want.
- Add tree garland for the full effect. A typical glue gun works fine for this project.
Adding Fur, Lights and Bells

Gluing the Fur
- You can purchase fur at any fabric store or get it from an old Santa hat.
- Cut your fur for the collar and two cuffs.
- Using a bunch of glue, secure it to the collar.
- When gluing the cuffs, make sure to stretch them a bit so they don't bind. This will allow your hands to slip through them.
- Let the glue dry before trying the sweater on.
- After Christmas, last year, we went to the craft stores and purchased a bunch of discounted Christmas items. We picked up the 10 bulb, AA battery strands for a real low price ($3.00? I forget but they were cheap).
- Wrap the lights around the collar, positioning as you like, and secure with safety pins. We use safety pinns so that we can reuse the lights for other projects.
- These bells always add to the full effect by ringing and saying "look at my awesome sweater".
- These can be purchased at most craft stores and are relatively inexpensive. We are reusing stuff we gathered from Christmas' past.
- Line them up where you want and secure on the other side with safety pins.
Hanging the Stockings on the Chest, With Care

We have a bunch of little Christmas stockings that were perfect for the project. We glued the ones we weren't attached to and pinned the others with safety pins. The pinning seems self-explanatory to me but all we did was place them where we wanted them and pinned them from the back side.
We then filled them with X-mas presents. The iPhone you see is not real, it's cardboard. We used lizards and a mischievous elf for other gifts.
There you go - the World's ugliest Christmas sweater.
We then filled them with X-mas presents. The iPhone you see is not real, it's cardboard. We used lizards and a mischievous elf for other gifts.
There you go - the World's ugliest Christmas sweater.