Ultimaker 2+

I made an Ultimaker 2+ 3d printer in TinkerCad because I use it a lot at my school and I thought it would be interesting/cool to try to make one in tinkercad. (notice: does not actually 3d print)
TinkerCad account
images of printer (or just look at it if you have one)
Making the Edges

put one square in the workplane and stretch it out and make it flatter. Copy and paste it, rotate one 90 degrees and group it. make 4 copies of that
Making the Walls and Bottom

Create one square and make it a bit smaller than the workplane. make it flat, then make 5 copies of it.
Making the Front

Take one of the 5 walls and make it a frame. Make a smaller rectangle and make it the same length and height of the frame and group them together. Then make a small skinny rectangle and put it through the smaller rectangle and group it.
Making the Screen
create a small black rectangle and make it very short. put the text "print","material", and "maintenance" then group it with the black rectangle. Group it with the front.
Making the Dial

Make 5 small paraboloids, and a cylinder. group them together, then add it to the front
Making the Top

do the exact same thing you did to make the front, except just leave it as a frame
Assembling the Body Pt 1

First, assemble the 4 corners and the bottom so that the corners of the bottom align with the sides
Assembling the Body Pt 2

assemble the 3 walls on the back, right, and left
Assembling the Body Pt 3

add the front and top to the body and group all of the parts together
It will let you know if all of the shapes are grouped if all of the lines aren't overlapping
Adding the Robots on the Sides

create or download the ultimaker robot and make it flat. make 2 copies of it and put them in the center of each wall on the right and left
Making the Corner Boxes

create 2 rectangles and put them in the 2 back corners and make them 2/3 high as the body
Adding the Build Plate Poles

make 2 cylinders and put them in between the 2 corner boxes, and make them a bit taller than the corner boxes.
Adding the Elevating and Lowering Pole (build Plate) PT 1

click on the box that shows the magnifying glass and search "screw" Click on the longest screw and chop off the head bit
Adding the Elevating and Lowering Pole (Build Plate) PT 2

Copy and paste the altered screw until it is as tall as the other rods
Making the Motor Pt 1

make a black square the same length as the screen. make a hole in the top left corner, but make sure it doesnt penetrate the other side. make a skinny cylinder and make a hole next to the first hole.
Making the Motor Pt 2

create the screws by adding a small cylinder and grouping it with 2 rectangles making a + sign.
Making the Motor Pt 3

add 4 screws to each corner of the black box. Then, in the bigger hole put a white cylinder the same size as the hole in it. Put a screw in the middle of the white cylinder and group it.
Adding the Motor to the Body

Turn to the back of the body and put it on the right side of the body
Adding the Bowden Tube Pt 1

make a tall cylinder the same size as the tube in the motor and make it a bit taller than the body
Adding the Bowden Tube Pt 2

make 3 short cylinders the same size and rotate them to sort of make a half circle and attach them to the main piece of tube
Adding the Bowden Tube Pt 3

make one last cylinder the same size as the others but make it a bit longer and group it
Making the Build Plate Pt 1

get more screws and make the head flat. create 2 squares the same size that are a bit smaller than the bottom of the design, and stack them up so it looks like the screws are connecting it.
Making the Build Plate Pt 2

add a little platform off of the build plate. this will hold up the title box. it is a bit smaller than the gap between the 2 corner boxes.
Making the Build Plate Pt 3

make a white box the same length as the platform and make it around half as wide as the platform. add it to the build plate
Making the Build Plate Pt 4

Add the words "ULTIMAKER 2+" onto the white box. make sure it is sticking out of the white box a bit, but not sticking out the back
Adding the Build Plate

make sure to group all of the shapes on the build plate or else each piece will move individually. make sure it is as centered as it can be.
Creating the Extruder Pt 1

create a square and make it a bit bigger. make 4 skinny rectangles and organize them where the 4 rectangles are connected to each corner
Creating the Extruder Pt 2

make your 4 skinny rectangles sort of like half of a triangle by making a long triangle combined withe the rectangle
Creating the Extruder Pt 3

make the middle square hollow and also put a small cylinder in the left corner. add some sides to each of the ends, and group them
Creating the Extruder Pt 4

create the fan vents by making a thin bevelled rectangle, then adding 4 circles on each corner. Attach one thin rectangular pole to two of the circles then do the same with the other two so it looks like an x. lastly, make an oval and center it in the rectangle. add one vent to each of the 2 sides
Creating the Extruder Pt 5

create the fans by making a ring, then adding thin rectangles onto the edges until there are 9 on each circle. then add them on top of the vents.
Creating the Extruder Pt 5

create the nozzle by taking a hollow cylinder on top of a cone and put it in the hole on the left of the box
Creating the Extruder Pt 6

add a very flat rectangle right on top of the nozzle, making sure the corners match up with the hollow square. Next, add 4 skinny cylinders attaching the top rectangle to the bottom rectangle. Lastly, put a ring on top of the thin rectangle where the nozzle would be.
Creating the Extruder Pt 7

Make a squiggley line on the back half of the rectangle, then put another thin rectangle where the cylinders end.
Creating the Extruder Pt 8

Add another ring, but taller into the ring on the bottom, then put a black box the same size as the thin rectangles on top of it
Creating the Extruder Pt 9 (its Almost Over)

make a hole in both of the other rectangles and the black box. Group all of the shapes
Adding the Extruder

put the extruder to where the bowden tube will align with the hole in the black box.
Group It

Group all of the shapes together
Add Printed Item (optional)

download or create an animal or item or something random to put on your build plate. (optional) I put a jaguar because its my school mascot
LAST STEP (optional)

sit back and admire your work