Uneven Height Box

The task at hand was to design, cut, and build a box from start to finish. This was completed in a manufacturing class meant to show and learn steps towards making things using technology.
Computer with Retina Engrave and Fusion 360, Wood, Paint, Laser Cutter, Glue

The first step was to find your piece of wood, this is important because if too thick of a piece, the laser won't cut all the way through. The thickness of the wood would also have a different look with a sketched design on it than a thinner piece would. You can also change the color of your wood by staining it.

Next is to adjust the settings in boxes.py to download the box layout and move onto the next step. Whatever is changed here will affect the outcome of your box.
The next step is to fit your sides of boxes in the correct area corresponding with the wooden sheet. The pieces need to be adjusted so that the laser is able to cut everything inside of the sheet, leaving excess room for safety.

After having everything ready to cut, run your cut at your desired speed and power, according to what you are cutting and how thick it is. Make sure you stand by and make sure your piece is being cut safely.
After the cut the remaining uncut wood should lightly fall due to not being connected to the other pieces. Construct the box, and glue together. All Done!