Unicorn Ice Cream

To make a unicorn ice cream you will need:
-450 gr. heavy cream
-200 ml. condensed milk
-1 table spoon of vanilla extract
- edible dye
- Lots of bowls
- Plastic container (preferably squared)
- mixer
Step 1:

Put the biggest bowl you have and the mixer´s rods in the freezer for at least 5 mins so that they are ice cold.
Step 2:

Once your bowl and mixing rods are freezing you get the out if the freezer and pour in the bowl the heavy cream.
Whisk it a little bit so that it´s about half whipped
Then add the vanilla extract and condensed milk and keep whisking until it has a whipped cream texture.
Step 3:

Get looooooots of bowls and separate the mixture.
Put diffrent amounts of edible dye and diffrent colour in each bowl.
Step 4:

Get you plastic container and pour the mixture however you want but don´t mix it to much other wise the colours will mix and you will end up with a grey-ish colour
Step 5:

Put your mixture in the freezer for at least 12 hours
Then... it´s ice cream time
I decorated my ice cream with whipped cream and candy i bought in the supermarket I don´t know what it´s called,
Also please vote me on the rainbow contest