Unity Is Our Strength

This artwork Unity is our strength is to show that united we are more powerful than we are as individuals. Also to show the real-life occurrences that happen in our world because of your race or where you are from. India in the back shows, that India is a diverse country with more than 120 languages. Also to connect to my roots because my parents were born in India. Not being born in India makes this artwork helps me connect with my roots.
All supplies bought at Walmart
White canvas 16" x 20"
The paint used was Apple Barrel matte acrylic paint
The hands- black, blush pink, kings gold, nutmeg brown, white
India- Jack-O-Lantern, Kelly green, admiral blue, white
Mod Podge
Scruffy pint brushes- 3/4”, 1/4”, and 8 flat. These come with others in a set.
All together I spent less than 20 dollars because I had some supplies from previous projects.
Get Inspiration
Even though I didn't get the idea of this painting from anywhere inspiration is everywhere. I can be in your room, at school, ext. The inspiration for the painting was real-life occurrences as I stated earlier. All I am saying is to get INSPIRATION!
As you can see in my artwork I have an outline of India. So to get the outline of India I searched for some reference points that would help me. Then I sketched it on a piece of paper.
Start Painting

As you can see, I started painting. I sketched my India country background on the canvas and painted it with acrylic paint and started painting the hands as well. If you make a mistake while painting it is not the end of the world. Just go over with white paint and that should help. If the paint is still wet it can come off with a paper napkin.

So when it comes to the color you use to paint it can be narrow because I had 4 colors to use, because I wanted to use the flag colors of India. The thing you can do to get a better look is to make some parts a little lighter and some a little darker of that color. Make the parts light and dark from perspective.
Hand Print

The handprints I "painted" were using my and my dad's real hands. I just made the color I wanted on a palette and transferred that to my hand and pressed it down of the canvas. To make it flatter I put a box underneath the canvas so it could press down from each corner. Also, the reason I didn't want to draw hands is everyone has different hands. No one has the same hands, and my whole project is to show to it is okay to be different and we should still work together.

Lastly, I added a rubber band in the middle where the Ashoka chakra goes (the circle in the middle of the painting). To make it look like the hands are reaching for the rubber band. Once all the hands touch the rubberband it shows they are untied together.