Art Concrete DIY's

Hi Everyone,
Here I am back with another fun DIY project, its that easy and fun. Its Eco-friendly so kids can try too (with adult supervision). Its just mix, add pigment and pour, yesss its that simple

1) Art concrete
2) Concrete liquid pigments
3) Mixing cup
4) Silicone mould
5) Reusable sticks
6) Some Magazine sheets
Paper Cone

This making paper cone has lot of techniques, here is one of the technique. Cut the A4 size sheet in cut a the paper at an angle as in image two, holding the bottom point, Roll and tape
Video Version of Cone

Video version for better understanding

Take required amount of art concrete in this case of making two cones, i mixed about 80 g art concrete with 20 g water, please note that water need not be exactly in this same ratio, its depends upon the consistency, here required consistency is not flowing, for flowing consistency there should be more water, which will eventually wet the paper and deform the shape, which is not recommended
Marbling Technique

First and foremost added, pink pigment, don't mix thoroughly just give some swirl and pour it into our paper ring holder set up, make sure the cone holder has a sturdy base. here is used a mini bottle filled with something at bottom to avoid shaking. Tap tap Tap !! for fulfilling till end
Plastic Sheet

Tried another ring holder in OHP sheet, because i had my doubts of paper getting wet, even though it was slightly thick magazine paper
Vanity/Trinket Tray

who doesn't like a good tray to keep their valuables while get dressed. They give a pleasant aesthetic feel :) , for this mix around 200g of art concrete as size of the oval tray is 8"x 4" here too i didn't want it to be plain, so gave double marbling with evergreen combo of pink and green
Release the Bubble

Give a good tap for even spreading and releasing air bubbles, as this is opaque you'll not be aware of bubbles at bottom. After tapping i gave a final swipe at the bottom of mold, that gave this pastel look, but don't worry neat marbling are on the other side.

After 24 hrs, finally it's time unravel the beauties, first the cones, as this ohp sheet cone was more narrow, the edge got slighty broke :( but its still pretty don't you think ?
Strawberry Tray

Remove the extra on the sides, demold the silicone and voila...
Top Coating
To make it water proof add a sealer on the top, sided and bottom these beauties
Thank You

Thank you for coming till the end, hopefully you found it useful and may use it any of your DIY
How's the work, let me know your thoughts and suggestions in comment section
Meet you in next instructable
Adios !!