Vintage Electronic Bracelet

As a hobbyist I collect a lot of stuff.... and I mean a lot of old electronics and components. I really wanted to make something that if I wore it would be cool and no one would have one just like mine.
So I wanted to make a Vintage Electronic Bracelet!
Vintage axial components, cleaned and wires full length
small silver clasp rings
Needle nose pliers
Wire cutters
Screw driver
Solder Iron

Using the screw driver shape each wire on each side of the resistor or capacitor or inductor and make a circle. Leave enough space so you have an area to solder. Trim excess wire off the other end. Make one of the loops small on one of the components to make a clasp that will be detailed later in the instructions.

Solder each wire to close the loop and add strength to the wire.
Caution: You should be familiar with soldering, wear eye protection, do not breathe the vapors or smoke.
Use tools to hold the components as the solder will make the item hot.

I used silver rings mean for making necklaces and bracelets to combine each vintage component.
Measure to get a good length that will fit your arm.
One one component I made the circle (loop) smaller so that it will fit through the one on the end. I bend it so that it makes a clasp to loop through. See the picture for detail of the small loop to big loop clasp.
Wear and show others your new vintage electronic bracelet!