Vinyls ONG

Greetings, I share with this community the activity that I have realized as an university assignment of the University Oberta de Catalunya also known as UOC.The assignment was about doing a vinyl for the glass facade of a store that belongs to an NGO.
The silhouettes will be emptied by using vinyl plotter cutting.

Let 's start!
The first thing to do is to get a photograph or a vector original, there’s no difference between each other so you can choose whichever you want.

After that we’ll cut the part that we want from the picture,I did that using a photoshop program, with the thool “magic wand” by selecting the subject, this way the program selects only the cat in this case, after that we apply the clipping mask.

Next we save the picture as a JPEG or a PNG.

Following we open it through a program that must be a vector graphics editor, in my case I used Illustrator with the thool of image tracing using the silhouette option.

This is the result.

Afterwards we use the command “ctrl + y” so the image becomes inverse as you can see in right below.

Next we invert the traze colors and the fill.

So the silhouette ends up like this, next thing is to choose the traze thickness wich goes according to your own criteria.

The rest is up to you, I personally will use the vinyl for lettering purposes with a pink color and the plotter cut in the silhouettes. In the lettering I will use a green vinyl behind so it creates contrast. In order to finish, It is very important for you to export the file to SVG format.