Voltage Regulator Using Potentiometer/ Arduino on Breadboard.

by rmikel in Circuits > Arduino

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Voltage Regulator Using Potentiometer/ Arduino on Breadboard.


Arduino on a Breadboard

So I have a transceiver and receiver that I have been trying to use for any project, but I have only one arduino breadboard. I also have an arduino atmel328p-pu chip. In this project I am going to make an arduino board .First I created a voltage regulator for my breadboard. These are the parts needed to build this.


Soldering iron and wire.

1 unneeded phone charger

1 Power jack, male and female

1 Breadboard

1 Voltage regulator I am using L7805CV.

1 Potentiometer

2 led

2 capacitors 470uf and 10uf

3 10k ohms resistors

1 Pushbutton


1 16MHGZ crystal clock oscillator

2 22pf capacitors

When you have all these parts begin.

Instructions- Power Cord.


Cut off the end of the charger, and and solder it to the

male power jack.solder jumpers to the female and connect it to the breadboard.



Connect the voltage regulator L7805CV to the breadboard,

considering the way the pins in the breadboard are connected.

Connect one of the 10k ohms resistor to Vout pin of the L7805CV and then to the Vadj.

Connect the 470uf capacitor to ground and then the Vout of the L7805CV.

Connect the 10uf capacitor to ground an to Vin of the L7805CV

​Instructions - Potentiomater


Plug in the potentiometer to the breadboard and connect the Vadj
of the potentiometer to the Vadj of the L7805CV(middles pins), connect the + of the potentiometer to the + of the breadboard and do the same for the negative – of the potentiometer to the – of the breadboard this is where all our voltage will be taken from.

Connect the Vin of the L7805CV to the + of the female power
jack connected to the breadboard.

Connect a led to the negative and positive part of the breadboard, remember the longer led is the anode and the short one is the cathode. Connect the jacks and plug the charger to a wall socket, the LED will dim and bright as you turn the potentiometer in opposite directions

I used a potentiometer because I noticed that in the arduino
board there is 3V and 5V outputs so with the potentiometer you can adjust the voltage output for the board. Now our voltage regulator is complete lets continue with the arduino board.



Connect the Atmel328p-pd chip to the breadboard, the little

indentation marks the head so the first pin on the left is pin1 and the one on the right is pin28.

Connect a pushbutton to the board and connect one leg to pin1 of the arduino and the other leg pin8 of the arduino chip, this is our reset button.



Using jumpers connect the pin7,21 and 20 of the arduiino

chip together and pin8 and 22 of the arduiino chip together.

Connect the crystal clock oscillator from pin9 to pin10 of the arduino chip; connect one 22pf ceramic disk capacitor from pin9 to pin8 and the other capacitor from pin 10 to pin8.



Using one of the 10k ohm resistor connect the pin1 to pin7(or simply to +V on the breadboard)

"all the components connected to pin7 can also be connected directly to +V and those connected to pin8 can be connected directly to -V "

of the arduino chip. Using the remaning 10kohm resisitor connect the pin19 of the arduino chip to an outside pin on the breadboard, connect the anode of a led to this port and ground the cathode of the led.

Finally using jumpers, connect the pin22 of the arduino chip
to ground and pin 20 to positive of the breadboard.

When you connect the power supply and turn the
potentiometer, the first led will dim and brighten while the led connect to pin19 will blink, and when you push the button it resets the chip. Luckly for me the chip came with a boot loader. So I just uploaded the blink sketch to it. And from the short video you can see that it works, the images might not be so clear, but of you follow them with the instructions you won’t have a problem. ARIGATO :) leave a comment if you need support.