hi in this tutorial i am going to show you how you can make a pc controlled rover without using micro controller,this means in this project no high level code involved you just need basic knowledge about html page making thats it.you can watch full video of build and working on my YOUTUBE channel if you like that then do subscribe my channel.

you need following pasts as listed in picture

in this build i am using my diy robot chassis,my diy motor driver and a dtmf decoder.you can watch tutorials on my instructables page and YOUTUBE CHANNEL

you need to connect four pins data output bins of dtmf module to four pins data input pins of diy motor driver,this module can work on minimum voltage of 2.3 volt and motor driver can work on minimum 3 volts thats why i am going to power up dtmf module and motor driver from a single 3.7 volt battery, and i am providing separate 7.2 volt battery for motors as pictured below

now come to the html coding part before that you need dtmf tones,you can download or record such tones.below i am sharing a sample code of button linked to dtmf tones, you need five buttons with five different dtmf tones.you also need ip webcam app and sound wire app on your phone.

test all button with robots action if robot not working according to buttons then change tones path in html coding. enjoy.....