This Instructable doesn't really require steps, or photos. It is here because it took me 30 years of back packing and hiking to figure it out.
After you have dug your cat hole, dropped your britches, and finished your business, you must clean up.
Where do you put your roll of TP?
On the log beside you, it will invariably roll away as you reach for it. AACCKK!!
On the dirt beside you, it will pick up leaves, dirt, and scratchies. YYUUCCKK!!!!
Like I said, (for some reason I musta left my brain home when packing my pack), it only took me 30 years to figure this out. The perfect close, contained, clean, place is the cup of the top of your britches, open between your ankles!!
For decorum there is no photo, but I think you get the idea!