Wall Adornment

This wall adornment uses simple materials to create a peaceful, gently moving, and stunning addition to any wall. [If you live in earthquake country, it's perfect for hanging over your bed!]

Copy paper, cut into 5 inch squares, string, a needle with a large eye, and a supporting pole are all you need. Oh, and patience...
[Feel free to skip steps 1-8 and go online to see, "How to make a paper crane" video. There are many!]
Creating the Crane

Fold the paper square in half. Repeat for the opposite side. Then, fold the paper diagonally both ways. It may be helpful to repeat the process by folding each time in the opposite direction.
Get a Square

Create a square by pushing in two of the diagonal folds.
Make a Kite

With the open end pointing down, create a "kite" shape by folding in two sides of the square toward the center fold. Do the same on the opposite side. Fold down the "top" toward the bottom of each side, and return it up to the kite position.
Make a Diamond

Open the bottom of the kite shape fully to the fold. Precisely following the fold lines, fold in both sides of the opening to the center. Do the same with the opposite side. These are opposite from each other. Lie flat and press down securely. There should be two "open" parts on the bottom and a diamond shape.
Again, a Fold to the Center

With the "legs," fold each side again toward the center. Do this on both sides. Crease securely.
High Kick

Fold each "leg" up toward the opposite side, and unfold.
The Tricky Part...

Go back to the the prior shape. Raise the single pointed parts toward the two "pointy" parts on each side. Flip back to big triangles showing in front and back, with small linear forms in the middle.
Getting Close...

With the "legs" parts up, and the sides back to the top "arrow" shape, fold down one wing [arrow shape] and then the other. [The fold line was created when the top of the kite was folded down and then folded up...] Choose one small pointy part and pull down a small triangle to make a "head." Voila! Pull the wings gently apart, and the crane is complete. Finish as many as you deem necessary essay to fill a specific space. This is where the patience comes in...

Using a needle with a big eye, put a knot at the end of a string approximately 72 inches long. Push the needle up through the bottom of the crane, and put in another knot near the "tail" of the crane. Continue until there are about 25 cranes on one string. Add as many strings of cranes as you think necessary.

Tie all strings of cranes to a pole -- bamboo or a dowel -- and hang up. Enjoy--and accept all accolades.