Watermelon Basket

Loving art and craft as well as food, I decided to mix the two together. This resulted in a watermelon basket after carving the watermelon shell down and making holes on either end to fit the handle through. It can carry a good amount of weight however not a lot. To fill the basket, I took the watermelon pieces and decorated them within the basket. A simple yet lovely activity for art projects.

Watermelon - Preferably a small/medium sized small one. More circular than elliptical.
Ice cream scoop - Preferably metal

As you can see from the picture, the knife is very sharp and jagged and thus when using it to carve the watermelon down, ensure you handle it with care. Transporting a knife is also very important, where the knife's blade should be kept pointing down to the ground. Ensure to do this in the presence of an adult as you might cut yourself by accident if you are a child.
Cut the Watermelon in Half
Be sure to ask for help from an adult if you aren't able to cut the watermelon. Ensure that you do this step in the supervision of an adult if you are a child since there is a big risk with cutting your hand by accident. The half of the watermelon should be kept aside for use for later.
From the Other Half Carve Out a Handle

From the other half of the watermelon, using a knife, cut out a strip of the entire watermelon. Take out the flesh and you should be left with a sort of handle. The handle will fit in the other half of the watermelon. Make a slit on either side of the watermelon shell from the previous step and fit the handle through the slits on either side. This will finish up the shell of the basket. Keep any watermelon you haven't used in the fridge, and leave the flesh that you cut out on the side for the next step.
Now Make the Decorations Inside

Now take one half of the watermelon and take out the flesh inside. I did this using an ice cream scoop to get nice balls of watermelon which will be used later for decoration anyways. The ice cream scoop should be preferably metal so that it can scoop out the watermelon in spheres. This is a tricky part since when I did it, I ended up breaking the sphere many times. Also using a knife, cut out strips of watermelon for decoration but feel free to be creative and make different shapes. Using the spheres and shapes of watermelon you have cut out, create a lovely decoration in the watermelon basket for you and your family to enjoy.
Enjoy your watermelon and be sure to share with friends and family!!!