Watermelon Frog
Last year, inspired by this site, I started food carving. I looked for tools to carve food and was surprised to find that it was an expensive hobby if you are not doing it professionally. I found that pottery tools are much cheaper and easier to find. The project I am posting now is a frog that I found from a pumpkin carving site I am a member of. The site is called zombie pumpkins and it is worth the fee if you need unique designs for Halloween or summer picnics.
You will need,
Pounce wheel
Carving toolsIf the pin holes are hard to see then a light dust of powder can make then pop.
If this is your first time, if might be helpful to mark the spots to be removed with a sharpie. It can all blend together if you are not careful.
If you don’t have the tools for the job, then be creative. It doesn’t take a whole lot to remove the skin of the fruit.