Waterproof Timer
This waterproof timer is used for people of all ages that have trouble gauging time while in the shower. While targeted towards a younger audience, it can be useful for everyone wanting to keep track of time in places where it is difficult. This project will take you through how to make your own waterproof timer. This timer goes up to 15 minutes, but can start anywhere inbetween. At the end of the time, the timer will show a red screen signifying it is time to get out. Even if the user cannot read numbers, the red screen at the end shows that time is up.


Plug In
Plug USB into the Arduino Uno and your computer. Then go to sketch, then include library, then click manage libraries, then download Adafruit NeoPixel and RotaryEncoder. Those are the libraries that will help us call different things related to the timer.
Use wires to connect the Arduino to the neopixel. Plug into GND, 6, and 3.3v . Connect rotary encoder using wires to the Arduino. Connect to clk to 3, dt to 2, sw to 4, + to 5v, and GND to GND. This should connect the rotary encoder and the neopixel together, this makes it so we can code it later.

Copy code to show numbers 0-15 on the neopixel. This will code the individual pixels to show the overall number that is desired. Each pixel is assigned a number from one to 64. Using these numbers we can code them to light up individually, which will show the number as a whole.
This code will also be used to code the rotary encoder. This will allow us to turn the knob and set the number to what we want. Pressing the knob will set and start the timer.
Link to code: https://public.3.basecamp.com/p/Tq1JNJLxD7iAqXwaRdxkr7rp
Putting Everything Together
Drill a hole in the center of one face of the waterproof box. The hole should be a quarter inch in diameter. The hole is for the rotary encoder to peek through so we can use it to set the time. The box should come with screws and a small rubber rope. Use the rubber rope and push it into the grooves of the base of the box. This should ensure it is air tight, and won't leak later on. Place neopixel into box and connect it to a battery pack. Screw on lid. Now you're finished.