Weighted Blanket Woven With Polyester Lashing
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Weighted Blanket Woven With Polyester Lashing
Before making my weighted blanket, I made a welcome mat as a test run:https://www.instructables.com/id/Welcome-Mat-Woven...
This instructable will be similar with a couple of slight differences besides the obvious size differences. I find that I like to make a trial version of something before I make the final larger version.

Like the welcome mat, you will be using a propane torch to keep the ends from fraying. Do not burn yourself.
With weighted blankets there are some extra warnings. Most warnings I found online about weighted blankets vary. Some say consult a doctor before using. Some warnings I found said to not go more than 20 percent of your body weight. My blanket ended up being 30 pounds. One of the warnings that was the same everywhere I found warnings about weighted blankets was DO NOT US ON CHILDREN 2 YEARS OLD OR YOUNGER.
You should talk to a doctor before using a weighted blanket......just to be safe.

These were the same tools I used making the mat. I used some strong shears to cut the strapping. I tried other methods of cutting it, but the shears did the best job with little fraying. I used a hot glue gun, hot glue does a good job of sticking the strapping to itself. I used some clamps to hold the strapping together while the hot glue cooled, but you could just hold pressure on them with your hands. Speaking of hands, I used gloves to protect mine. I used a tape measure and a square to make sure the corners were square. I also used a full sheet of plywood as a work surface. More on that In the next step.
Plywood Work Surface

I was working on this plywood making the mat. With the blanket I made the plywood a guide as well as a table. I marked out lines every 1-3/4 inches. The strapping I used was just over 1-1/2 inch wide and I found that 1-3/4 inches was a good spacing for the weave. I made the marks on all four sides. I used the marks to line up the straps and help with the weaving process. It really helped and would have been nice to have on small projects like the welcome mat.
Material - What Is Polyester Lashing

Polyester lashing is used to strap stuff down to keep it secure during shipping. It is like a ratchet strap, but instead of the ratchet being attached at one end, there is a special ratchet tool used to pull the strapping through a special buckle. This keeps the cost down. I got mine free from work. You can buy it new or used. Or if you know someone that works in a factory, they might could get you some free. It is very strong stuff and holds a knot well. The cut ends will fray unless you melt them.
Cut Pieces to Rough Length

I cut all my pieces before weaving. I decided to make my blanket the size of a 4 foot x 8 foot sheet of plywood. One of the lessons I learned while making the mat was that it was hard to trim the ends with just a little extra length sticking out. I went with about 6 inches on all sides. This gave me plenty to hold on to while trimming. I used (28) 9 foot long pieces and (55) 5 foot long pieces.
Layout Your Pieces

I put the long pieces down first. Using my marks on the plywood I put down every other long strap. Using the marks on the sides of the plywood, I put down every other short piece. I then put down the rest of the long pieces. This saved me a bunch of the weaving process because I only had to weave in every other short piece.
. The lashing I used had writing on one side, so I made sure to work with the writing side down. Except one long piece, that I accidentally left writing side up, but I was too far in by the time I noticed, and it didn't look too bad.

Same over under pattern as the mat, but the method I used laying out every other long piece, followed by every other short piece, and then every other long piece, meant that every other short piece was already woven. There were still about 26 short pieces to weave in. It is a lot of repetition, so just keep at it and keep double checking as you go.
Hot Gluing the Ends

I glued the edges together with hot glue. I used some clamps and small blocks of wood, to hold the strapping together, while the hot glue cooled, but you could just hold pressure on them with your hands. With the blanket being the same size as the plywood, I was able to clamp to the plywood. This also helped hold everything in place while I went on to weave the next piece.
Trim the Edges

After all the edges were glued, I trimmed off the excess lashing. Using and extra 6 inches on both ends of the straps made it easy to hold on to the end while trimming it off.
Melt the Ends

The polyester lashing will fray. To keep the ends from fraying, I used a propane torch to melt the cut ends. I was careful to not apply too much heat in one spot and catch the strapping on fire or melt the hot glue joints.

As usual, I made a video.
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