Welcome Mat Woven With Polyester Lashing
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Welcome Mat Woven With Polyester Lashing
At my work, they get materials shipped in that are strapped down with this polyester lashing. They cut it off and throw it away. I dumpster dive and get a couple of pieces every once and awhile. You know how it goes, you don't know what you are going to use it for, but you know you will use it. I used some to make a overhead canoe storage system: https://www.instructables.com/id/Canoe-Trapeze-Overhead-Storage-Rack/ and I want to make a cargo net. I was also wanting to make a woven weighted blanket, but I wanted to make something woven small first. The woven welcome mat is what I made.

Do not burn yourself or your house. Be safe.

I used some strong shears to cut the strapping. I tried other methods of cutting it, but the shears did the best job with little fraying. I used a hot glue gun, hot glue does a good job of sticking the strapping to itself. I used some clamps to hold the strapping together while the hot glue cooled, but you could just hold pressure on them with your hands. Speaking of hands, I used gloves to protect mine. I used a tape measure and a square to make sure the corners were square.
Material - What Is Polyester Lashing

Polyester lashing is used to strap stuff down to keep it secure during shipping. It is like a ratchet strap, but instead of the ratchet being attached at one end, there is a special ratchet tool used to pull the strapping through a special buckle. This keeps the cost down. I got mine free from work. You can buy it new or used. Or if you know someone that works in a factory, they might could get you some free. It is very strong stuff and holds a knot well. The cut ends will fray unless you melt them.
Cut Pieces to Rough Length

I cut all my pieces before weaving. I decided on the size I wanted to make my mat and cut the pieces long, with the in intention of trimming off excess, once I was done. I used (12) 33" long pieces and (20) 20" long pieces.
Layout Your Pieces

I put the long pieces down first with the ends lined up. The lashing I used had writing on one side, so I made sure to work with the writing side down.

I wove the short pieces into the long pieces in a standard over under weaving pattern. Going over one strap and under the next. Alternating on each row. If you are doing it right, it should give you a checkerboard pattern.
Glue Edges

I glued the edges together with hot glue. I used some clamps and small blocks of wood, to hold the strapping together, while the hot glue cooled, but you could just hold pressure on them with your hands.
Trim Edges

After all the edges were glued, I trimmed off the excess lashing.
Melt Ends

The polyester lashing will fray. To keep the ends from fraying, I used a propane torch to melt the cut ends. I was careful to not apply too much heat in one spot and catch the strapping on fire or melt the hot glue joints.
Enjoy Your Mat

The polyester lashing should last a long time and will stand up to weather. If you do wear it out from rubbing your boots on it, you could make another one.

As usual, I made a video.
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