Welded Horseshoe Pumpkin / Fall Decor
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Welded Horseshoe Pumpkin / Fall Decor

Need some fall decor? Maybe you are bored and just happen to have some horse shoes laying around. Whatever the case is this is a super easy and fun project to work on.

- Welder + Safety Equipment
- 7 or 9 Horse shoes
- 90º Welding Magnets
- Wire Brush
- Small Hammer
- Spray Paint (optional )
- Angle Grinder ( optional )
- About 90 minutes
Above you will see two different pumpkins. One is made with 7 horseshoes and the other with 9.
Get Your Horseshoes

Now maybe you happen to have some horseshoes lying around that are all the same size, I didn't. I bought my horseshoes at Tractor Supply, but you can also buy them off Ebay, Amazon, or check with a local horse barn. If you buy them used you will need to make sure you brush them off really well to get the manure off. Used ones are cheaper but more work to prep.

Lay two horseshoes side by side with about an 1/8th inch gap in between. The gap will help it look right when you add the other horseshoes. Tack top and bottom together while making sure not to add too much metal.
Weld the Stabilizers

Stand the two welded horseshoes up straight using your magnets. Next use a couple of your magnets to make sure that your third horseshoe is straight then weld it. Line your fourth horseshoe up the same way and weld that one as well. If you are making one out of seven horse shoes just line them up so they look right at roughly 60º.
IMPORTANT: Make sure your first four horseshoes are straight and square.
Fill It Out

Add a horseshoe in-between each of the four that you just made. You can't really use magnets to make sure they are straight so you will just have to eyeball it. If you really want to make sure everything is square you can use a piece of scrap wood cut at a 21º angle and use that as a form. (Be careful if you do that through because you might start the wood on fire)
Cut the Stem

You will need to figure out what angle you want it at and how long you want it be. Once you figure that out use a pencil or sharpie to make a line where you are going to cut it. Cut it with the angle grinder being careful to make a good straight cut. File or grind off any sharp edges and prepare it for welding.
Weld the Stem

You will have to hold the stem with one hand and weld with the other. You only need to hold onto it until its tacked in place then you can let go and finish welding it.
Clean Up
Take your small hammer and wire brush and clean it up. Knock off the slag and the splatter and either get it ready to paint or you can leave it as it is.
Paint ( Optional )
This is totally up to you. You can either paint it oarnge and green or black or whatever you would like. If you want to paint the stem a different color then the rest of the pumpkin paint it first, let it dry, then cover it with aluminum foil and paint the rest.
You Are Done!!!

Take your new creation and enjoy it. You can keep it as a fun decoration and reminder of your handiness, or give it away to someone that you love. Either way it will be a beautiful addition to your fall decorations!