What to Do With a Felled Tree
by cobinrox in Workshop > Woodworking
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What to Do With a Felled Tree

Here are a few ideas for the left-overs.

1) (Optional) Saws-All aka reciprocating saw with branch cutting blade (to cut down branches into rough lengths -- see photo)
2) Table saw (to rip [i.e. cut length-wise] branches)
3) Chisels (Note when you go to buy these, make sure that they are pre-sharpened; some are not)
4) Dremel (for scroll work, sanding, tweaking)
5) (Optional) Electric sander
6) (Optional) Router (to carve indentations as needed)
7) Drill
7a) 1/8 inch drill bit
7b) 1 inch drill bit (or larger)
8) (Optional but a good excuse to get one) Nail gun
9) (Optional) Electric planer (to smooth down trunk slices)
10) (Optional) Jig saw
1) Tree and branches
2) Denatured alcohol (to remove sandpaper dust)
3) Dust mask
4) Sugru (for various hold-downs)
5) Wood glue
6) Drywall screws
7) LOTS of sandpaper, 150-220 grit. No matter how much you buy, you'll never buy enough. I recommend the red Diablo brand; expensive but worth it
8) (Optional) Stain
9) (Optional) Polyurethane
Dictionary O' Terms

Banana cut or slice: A round slice taken out of a branch, much like the way you slice a banana for a peanut butter sandwich.
Banana split: A length wise split down a branch, much like the way you cut a banana length-wise for a banana split. Some people also refer to these as rip cuts.
Thingy or thingie: An object of some sort that you are supposed to understand.
Butt table slice: Same as a banana cut , but taken out of a trunk rather than just a branch.
Crotch: A limb containing a branch that shoots out at a good angle for making a hook. Warning: a crotch stick can be rather itchy, though. (thanks to spanner1969 and annabelle's mom)
Miter: A cut that miter-might-not be exactly 45 degrees.
A "Butt" Table for the Office

To keep the crack from spreading, I put the slab in a garbage bag, added 4 cans of denatured alcohol, and let it sit and soak in a plastic bin for several days before staining, etc.
The stand was just a left over piece of an old table.
Here's the 'able for creating a butt table:
Corner Table

The top of the table was made using smaller branches that were ripped in half, exposing the interesting internal rings and veins, and then pieced together side-by-side.
This table's main branch also had a secondary branch that could be used for a coat hook. Finally, a lamp was added and the wires hidden in the back, secured to the branch with Sugru.
Address Totem Pole

Sign (Sigh)

Alas, the sign does not work. Still keep getting roofers and people selling magazines.

First get a good sized branch and split it in two (that is where a table saw comes in handy). Use one of the halves for the shelf.
Then find two quarter-sized diameter branches that have a "crotch". Cut them to size and they are used as the supports for the shelf.
To hold the supports to the wall, I drilled lil' tiny holes in the top and bottom and secured them using hat pins to the wall.
Push Stick

Pencil Holder


Jewelry Tree


These were also embellished with some scroll writing on the top of the hooks for added decoration.
Detailed Instructable for hooks is at:
Hook (close Up)

Here's how one of the hooks looks when applied to the wall. Again, two lil' tiny holes were drilled; one on the top and one on the bottom and hat pins were used to secure the hook to the wall.
Other photo shows close-up of another batch o' hooks.
Hook, Variation 2

Mirror or Picture Frame

Frame, Variation 2

Foot Rest

Corner Table, Variation 2

A lil' tiny aspen leaf was also decoupaged on the front for added flair.
(There is also a lil' tiny speck of blood that is not visible in this shot.)
Coat Rack

This is from a larger branch that had a number of smaller off-shoots. The base is from an old bird feeder and filled with cement to make it steady. But man, is it heavy.
Shoe Rack

Here's a rack to place at the front of your house or cubicle for guests to place their shoes. A couple of crotch branches at the bottom were used to hold up the rack.
Hat Rack #3

Here's another hat rack, the bottom is a set of banana-split feet with a hole between them.
Note I just poly'ed this one-- didn't bother with the stain since the cottonwood looked pretty cool just naked.

sized branch, using a table saw. These could be stained and back-glued with felt for someone who does use coasters.
Hook, Variation 3


Bird Feeder

Corner Table, Variation 3

Butt Table, Variation 2

Instructable for this table is at:
Corner Table, Variation 4

In this table, which is not yet complete, I plan to put 120-volt powered LED's at the very tips of the branches that swoop over the table.
Water Fountain or Plant Stand

Warnings about this project:
1) It is hard to find a solar powered water pump (reasonably priced)
2) It is hard to find an electric switch that turns automatically ON during the day but OFF at night
3) It is hard to dig up a trench for electrical cable
4) Water pumps do not come with their own screen/filter
5) Water evaporates fast in the summer
6) Pumps burn out when there is no water for them to pump

Hook, Variation 4

Hook, Variation 5

This is actually a double hook.
It was made out of a branch that I picked up near the Maginot Line in France.
Help-I've-Fallen-and-Can't-Get-Off-My-Butt Table

This is a lil' tiny butt table built to hold the LifeLine (of the "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up" fame). Here a left over trunk is used as a base.
Guitar Stand

Couple of crotch branches, held in place by a trunkette
Yoga Mat Stand

Smaller version of a guitar stand, useful for holding yoga mat. Or toilet plunger maybe.