Wind Noise Reduction Sock

I was a radio DJ in a past life (one of many past lives) We had this cool thing at our station to record street interviews and stuff it had a fancy wind eliminator on it and it recorded great audio.
over the past few years I've been making recordings of many of the places I've been, like a snapshot, these field recordings are a really cool thing to share and listen to. I've been using my iPhone's regular mic but that thing really doesn't do that great of a job.
A few months ago an amazing person gave me a Tascam mic that records amazing audio!
the only problem has been wind noise basically ruins all my recordings.
This is a cheap and easy answer to the fancy $30 windsocks that you can get for your Tascam mic.
Here's the materials list:
1) Fuzzy fake Fur from Michaels - $4
2) needle and thread- almost free
3) something to cut the fur with (I dare you to do this step with a machete) *if you do accidentally dismember yourself it's your own fault
4) swagger
Look at Your Device and Figureout How Big Your Sock Can Be

you could trace around the outside and make a paper template. it's got to be able to wrap around and fight tightly around the mic
Take Off Phone So You Don't Break It!

this is the device we're gonna cover in fur
Find Ur Fur

this was like $4 at michaels. and it was super fuzzy.
it's really cool
and fuzzy
Cut Your Fur to the Right Size and Fold It in Half

stitch each end and leave the bottom open
Flip It Flip It Good

flip the thingie inside out and you've got the awesomest wind protector ever that you made yourself!!!
and you've got a lot of left over fake fur...
Happy Recording awesome field recordings!