Window Sheers Into Kids Hammocks

I moved into a new house about 6 months ago and my Aunt gave us a few extra packages of window sheers she had in case we needed them. We didn't and they have been kicking around all that time. I finally decided to open one up and take a look at them to see if they were thick enough to use for rags. Turns out they are WAY to thin for rags but they had loops sewn into the tops and bottoms and each edge is nicely hemmed. They are very similar to some DIY hammocks that I've seen online.
Click through to see the very few steps needed to make them.
Click through to see the very few steps needed to make them.

Required material
Window Sheers, mine were 60" x 84" and came 2 per package
Thin rope "i had some paracord so that's what I used"
2 disposable rubber gloves - may not be required for your setup.
Make the Hammock

Each end of the window sheer has a loop sewn into it.
Thread some thin rope through it and then tie it tight so it creates a bunch at each end.
Now, take some longer rope you plan on using to hang the Hammock with and tie a loop at one end.
Push the loose end of the rope through the loop and slip it over a bunched end of the hammock. Pull until tight.
Repeat for the other end of the hammock
Tie off the ends of the hanging ropes to something sturdy and that's it.
As for the rubber gloves, all I had to hang from were the support posts in the kids playroom in the basement but the ropes kept sliding down. I grabbed a few disposable gloves from the workshop and put them between the metal post and the rope and they are holding great.
My 7 and 3 year old LOVE these and they are actually very stable. My 3 year old loves to flop around in it and surprisingly hasn't fallen out yet.
Thread some thin rope through it and then tie it tight so it creates a bunch at each end.
Now, take some longer rope you plan on using to hang the Hammock with and tie a loop at one end.
Push the loose end of the rope through the loop and slip it over a bunched end of the hammock. Pull until tight.
Repeat for the other end of the hammock
Tie off the ends of the hanging ropes to something sturdy and that's it.
As for the rubber gloves, all I had to hang from were the support posts in the kids playroom in the basement but the ropes kept sliding down. I grabbed a few disposable gloves from the workshop and put them between the metal post and the rope and they are holding great.
My 7 and 3 year old LOVE these and they are actually very stable. My 3 year old loves to flop around in it and surprisingly hasn't fallen out yet.