Wood Lego Man

When I was a kid I loved to play with lego. I saw a wood lego version on the internet so, I decided to create a lego man for myself.
I didn't record all the steps, but, there are the main ideas.
I don't have any machine that would help me cutting the most of figure parts so, there are a lot of hand work
Another think to have in mind, the wood boards were not so thick as I needed, so I had to glue 3 of them to have the figure thickness.
- Pine wood
- Wood pegs (for joins)
- Japanese saw
- Drill machine
- Clamps
- A lot of sand paper
- Wood glue
Design and Measures

First of all, I like to write on a paper, do some drafts and get some numbers.
So I picked a small lego figure, get the measures and transported to a bigger version.
Then cut the bigger parts, all squared.
Round It

After having all the pieces in squares, I rounded them up, using sand paper.
I rounded the head, hands, arms, legs
The arms was the most difficult part because it's angles, to cut it by hand I realized there were a lot of wood going to the flush.
The head have a circle on top and another below, witch were cut using the vertical drill machine
The hands, after round them up, I opened a hole in the middle with vertical drill machine and with the japanese saw I open the space and cut the bottom corners.
The legs had a challenge because the round top and leg, so I used a chisel so I can reach the shape I was looking for. Them round it on top with more sand paper.

Between the body and legs there's a join, witch was grey zone until I stopped and spend some time looking to it.
So, once again, I got the circle from vertical drill machine and the join piece, with some time spending work and a saw I got there, to have it rounded so the circle fits there.
I fixed the circle with two wood pegs, so I get sure it will be well fixed.
From there I started the joins:
- Legs-to-body
- Leg-to-leg
- Body-to-head
- Arms-to-body
- Hands-to-arm
All this joins were made with wood pegs and glue

I did not applied any finisher, at least, not yet.
I'm not sure about leaving as it is, or paint it, so for now it is on raw wood.
Add Some Finish

After some time thinking on how to paint it, or leave it on wood appearance, the last one won!
So I applied some beewax (so the kids can play with it with no problems, no toxic stuff)
This is just an update on finish result.