Wood&Plexi Clock

This project consisted in making a wood clock with incrusted black plexi marks and a laser engraved decoration of a map of Lancieux, a city by the sea in french Brittany. It was made using the Shaper Origin CNC machine and a laser cutter.
PLY Wood - 10mm poplar wood (80x50cm)
Black 6mm Plexi pieces (from FabLab recycling materials projects)
1 clock mecanism
Shaper Origin CNC-manual Machine / Arketype 100W Laser Cutter machine
Design Using Fusion 360

First, the clock was designed using Fusion 360.
Dimensions :
-diameter 300mm
-holes for hours 6x24mm
-center hole : 7mm for the mecanism
The .svg file was saved to be used in the Shaper Origin manual-CNC machine.
Milling Using

Then we milled the shape of the clock using the Shaper Origin manual/CNC machine on a 10mm PLYwood sheet and a 6mm cutter tool.
Prepare the Engraved Map

Then we select a well contrasted map of the coast city wanted on OpenstreetMap (https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/fr/map/oac-home-dark_850025#14/48.6068/-2.1578)
in order to vectorised it on Inkscape software for keeping only the outlines for engavring them in the laser cutter.
Small pieces of 6mm black plexi were also cut by the laser cutting machine.
Mount the Clock Mecanism and the Rear Attach Part

The rear attachement parts were designed in Fusion 360 and made by two wood parts to maintain the clock mecanism and enable to fix it on a wall
Fix It in the Kitchen!

Last step was to make the gift and to place and fix it in a kitchen of Lancieux!