Wooden Gravity

It is a unique sculpture using balance and gravity, made with materials you can get cheap or may have at home.

• Compound miter
• Ear protection
• Eye protection
• Hot glue gun + hot glue
• Tree branch 1-2 inches wide
• Cool rock
• fishing line
• beads
• one marble
• 2 sizes of PVC. 2 inch and 1.5 in about 1/2 inch thick.

First, cut your branch into disks 1/8 to 1/4 inch. I used Forty-five, but you can use however much you want for a different shape. REMEMBER BE CAREFUL!

Second, warm up your hot glue gun and glue the two disks a little less than the middle of another disk. (Photo 1-2)
Then keep going out, gluing on half of the disk, and do this three times on both sides. Switch sides of the disk and go towards the center until a point is reached. (Photo 3-4-5)
Repeat going out and then in, until it looks something like photo 7.
Optionally, you can add a little spin to it if you take one side to the left and one to the right, by gluing on the sides of the disk while going up.


Lastly, tie about 6 inches of fishing line onto your PVC ring, and optionally add beads.
Then add a dab of hot glue onto your rock and rap fishing line into the hot glue until it is your desired length, Short to be hanging. Remember be careful and don't burn your fingers.
Add hot glue onto the top and bottom of the PVC and gently slide into the top layer of disks, slightly rotating towards you.
Glue the top of the smaller PVC ring onto the bigger PVC ring, and balance a marble on the smaller ring or add a small donut of hot glue to contain it If it falls.
Clean up hot glue strands if needed.
*if your structure is unstable add disks on the sides of the bottom disk for stability.