Wooden Moon Phase Clock
This Moon phase clock is a non-programming mechanical clock designed to cycle through the phases of the moon once a month in conjunction with a clock movement.
You will need an LED to light it up(I disassembled mine from a flashlight), a clear hemisphere ∅150mm, 2 rack gears, 2 bevel gears of 30T, 3 gears of 24T, a timing belt pulley of 15∅, and black paper.
I can't provide an Amazon link because I bought it from a Korean store. sorry
And you need wood. I want to say thanks here, with a gift certificate from the last woodworking contest I bought wood. Thank you instructables.
Make a Moon
Cut the hemisphere to the diameter 125mm. Sand the hemispheres so that they have a consistent cross-section.
Flip the moon picture over and paint the inside of the hemisphere with acrylic paint. Coat with varnish.
Mechanism Assembly
Cut the wood according to the pattern. Do not tear off the pattern after cutting. Glue the (1) and the hemispheres. Then glue only the (2) first. Glue all the pieces together with the paper facing inward so that you can see the coordinates of the pieces when you assemble them with the others.
The reason I didn't use a reciprocating crank is that I wanted the mechanism to move at a constant speed.
Make one with gears 1 and 2 glued together, and one with gears 1 and 2 and the timing belt glued together. Remove the 9 teeth of the rack gear. Glue the two rack gears with the same teeth removed. Bend the wire according to the pattern. Drill a hole in the rack gear for the wire. lnsert the wire and glue it. Print the frame file, assemble the gears, and attach them to the coordcoordinat Print the semicircle file and cut the black paper into the shape. Fold it along the line and glue a length of wire 140mm. Cut a piece of foil and glue it to the right side sㅣPrint the background file and attach the black paper to the left side. Assemble the semicircle together and glue the top plate [3].Use wire pattern to attach the bevel gear and timing belt. Wrap a piece of paper around both ends the diameter' of the bearing you to match have and install it in the coordinates after assembling the bearing Cut the other gears so that only the hour hand gear of the movement is visible, and glue them together with the bevel gear that has only one tooth. Attach the movement to the coordinates.
Once the circuit is constructed, the switch is assembled by drilling holes in the (4) and the light is bonded to the movement The battery compartment should be configured according to the size of your batteries.
Finally, the back (6) is secured to the top (3) with hinges.
The End, and Why It's a Prototype
This is probably the end of the project.
but, I realized why this piece is a prototype.
The moon's phases get bigger from the right, and smaller from the right. But I made it bigger from the right and smaller from the left. Therefore, this project is a prototype.
I realized this after I finished it...
However, Thanks for reading.