Wool Snowflake

To make this wool snowflake you will need :
any wool string , cotton string or hemp string ,
plastic ring with pin needles or a carboard ring if you do not have plastic one,
one needle for wool and 10 minutes of your time .


Use this plastic circle with pins and attach wool string like in the VIDEO or in the picture , and make a full circle , and leave about 1 meter of string free and cut it. Then use the wool needle to make some knots like on the picture , stitching 4 loops with one stich , there times . Go full circle and you will have snowflake done. Release the wool snowflake from pins . If you can not find the plastic ring you can make your own from a cardboard.

releasing the pins , and the finished wool snowflake .
You can use snowflakes for a Christmas decoration - in white , silver or gold color , or you can use wool snowflake to make a decoration for your hat, bag or like a brooch . Even to make a big shawl by connecting a large number of snowflakes with a crochet needle to a big triangle.