Working Lego Pinball Machine
by Mr_flaater in Living > LEGO & K'NEX
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Working Lego Pinball Machine

This is a working lego pinball machine.
Its fully made of lego and easy to built.
Lots of lego.
2 tiny elastics or 1 normal one.
The Body

All you have to do is remake everything from the pictures.
Step 1 is making the body.
Make sure to do all the pins on exact the same places as from on the pictures.
The Mechanism

Step 2 is making the mechanism.
First you have to make all the little parts.
Make also sure that the gears are in the exact same place as mine and test a bit before putting the back on the gear.
Also don't put the back to tight or to loose or the mechanism will become stuck or rattle when moving.
You can choose for 2 tiny elastics or 1 big one.
The Stand

Step 3 is to make the stand.
Make the first part and make it a second time mirrored.
after you have put the stand and the body together should the 2 bars stick a bit out like on the 11th picture.

Now you're done you can add some pins so the ball can jump around or add something else.