Zombie Wonder Woman!

by oktokrewl in Craft > Costumes & Cosplay

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Zombie Wonder Woman!


This is an instructable on how to turn yourself into Zombie Wonder Woman! I will go over how to make the costume, face paint and blood. It focuses mainly on the costume part, so if you forgo the zombification part, this is an instructable on making a regular Wonder Woman costume. Zombie anything is always better, tho. :)

Gather Your Supplies!

Things you will need:

-Sewing Machine (or a LOT of time, if you are sewing by hand)
     -Mock up spandex in any color
     -Costume spandex (Red, Blue w/ White Stars, Metallic Gold)
     -Black, Gold or Red canvas for belt backing
-Matching Thread
-Cereal Box
-Riveter, Eyelets & Snaps
-Shiny silver cardboard tops from aluminum take out boxes
-Old Strapless Bra
-Spandex (or other super stretchy) tank top and boy short underwear that fit you well
-Red Paint
-Black Hair Dye, or Black Wig

-White Acrylic Paint
-Black Eyeliner & Eyeshadow
-Fake Lashes
-Corn Syrup
-Chocolate Syrup
-Peanut (or any nut) Butter
-Red food coloring
-Tomato Paste & Cooked Beets
-A Crazy Look in your Eyes

Make Your Pattern!

There are many different ways to do this, such as drafting or draping on a dress form, but those take knowledge and equipment most people don't have. Spandex is a very forgiving fabric because it's so stretchy, so your pattern doesn't have to be perfect. I'll show you how to make a quick and dirty pattern from things you already have.

-Take your well fitting spandex shirt and underwear.
-Fold the shirt in half, so that the arm holes line up, or so that the folds are in the center front and back of the shirt.
-Fold the mock-up fabric in half (stretchiest part of the fabric going perpendicular to the fold) and lay the shirt on it so that the front fold of the shirt lines up with the fold in the fabric. 
-Trace the shirt with a sharpie and cut it out, disregarding straps, since this is strapless.
-For the shirt, you want a heart shaped neck line that matches your strapless bra, so lay the fabric over the bra and roughly trace about an inch above the bra's top edge onto the fabric.
-Fold it in half and cut it to make it symmetrical.

-Put on your underwear and measure from the top of them up to your natural waist (above your belly button).
-Lay your underwear on the folded fabric, so that when you cut it out you will have 2 of the same pattern pieces.
-Trace them with a sharpie.
-Add the measurement you just took vertically from the top edge of the tracing, making it a little narrower at the top to account for the smaller size of your waist from your hips.
-Cut them out.
-Now measure the curve of the crotch on the bottom pieces.
-Draw an opposite curve the same length but with a less severe arc.
-Measure the length of your underwear's crotch piece, from the front to the back. Make your pattern the same length.
-The crotch piece should sort of look like an hour glass with a convex curved top and bottom. It doesn't have to be perfect. Get it to look sort of like mine.

Make Your Mock-up!

When sewing spandex on a normal home machine, use a zigzag stitch. I use about a 2 length and 2.5 width. Be careful not to pull the fabric as you're sewing it, or else it will get all ruffle-y and ugly looking. If you have a serger (overlock) machine, I'm jealous. I don't have one, so won't give instructions for them. They sew spandex beautifully tho.

-Put the right (or outside) sides on the fabric together so they are touching and sew them together.
-For the shirt, fold it in half and sew the back center seam together. It's too hard to sew a nice looking hem on spandex on a home machine, so this costume has no hems. It still looks rad.
-For the bottoms, sew the crotch piece front edge to the front piece crotch edge and do the same with the back. Then sew the side seams together.
-Flip inside out and try it on!

Adjust the Mock-up!

Now you have a very rough version of your costume. You are going to want to change parts of it to look more like Wonder Woman's costume.

If you used boy short underwear like me, your costume will look gross like you are wearing bike shorts from the 80's. Not cool.
-Draw a line were you want the bottoms leg holes to be with the sharpie while you are wearing it.
-Put on your strapless bra and trace the bra's top edge onto the shirt so that the necklines will match up.
-Take off your mock-up, cut out the pieces of fabric you just marked, and try on one more time. It should look perfect.
-When it's the way you like it, take apart the seams you just made or just cut out the seam allowance. These are your pattern pieces.

Cut Out Your Pattern Pieces!

-Again, fold the shirt pattern piece in half with the fold on the center front line.
-Place it on the folded Red spandex (with the stretchiest part going perpendicular to the fold) with the folds matching up.
-Place the 3 bottom pattern pieces on one layer of the Blue & white star fabric. Place them so that the stretchiest part of the fabric is across the pattern pieces. The front and back pattern pieces should be different from each other now.
-Trace the patterns on to the fabric, remembering to add the seam allowance to the patterns if you cut out your seams.
-Cut everything out!

Make Your Golden Chest Piece!

I messed up with this step and waited until the red shirt was sewn to the bra to add the gold Wonder Woman W. That made it like a bazillion times harder than it needed to be. If you sew this to the shirt before sewing the shirt to the bra, your life will be much happier. To make the W:

-Look at my picture. You want it to look something like that.
-Take your red shirt piece and trace it onto the gold fabric. This is your top edge of W.
-Now draw the rest of the shape out on the fabric.
-Cut it out.
-Fold it in half and trim it so it is symmetrical.
-Draw the center line to divide it up into 2 W's with a sharpie. Be sure to let it dry before you touch it or it will smear.

Sewing Time!

-Sew the gold Wonder Woman chest piece onto the red shirt piece, being very careful not to stretch the fabric. The should match up. You don't have to sew the entire border, I just did the top edge, side edges and the inner bottom part of the W.
-Sew the top edge of the red shirt onto the top edge of the bra. I only sewed the front parts together, leaving the back parts free from each other.
-Fold the shirt so the right sides of the fabric touch and sew the center back seam together, just like you did for the mock-up.
-Sew the bottoms together just like you did for the mock-up.
-Flip everything right side out and try it all on. It should fit like a wonder (woman)! ;)

Make Your Belt & Crown Patterns!

-Take your cereal box and flatten it by cutting open all the seams.
-Take a piece of paper and draw a curve the shape you want your belt and crown to have. -Connect the ends for a curved hypotenuse right triangle.
-Now draw a line down the vertical and horizontal center of your cereal box. Figure out how thick you want your belt to be in the back (mine is 3") and measure half that distance up and down from the horizontal line.
-Draw 2 horizontal lines from those marks.
-Trace your curve onto the box by matching up the right angles of the triangle you drew to the right angles of the vertical and horizontal lines on the box.
Do a similar thing for the crown, but only have the curves on the top of the horizontal line, forming a crown shape. It is pretty simple.
-Cut  out your shapes. You are using these as pattern pieces and as structural inserts for your belt and crown.

Sew Your Belt & Crown!

-Measure around your actual waist (it is above your belly button). You are going to want your belt slightly smaller than that, so that when you tighten it, it will corset you just slightly.
-Lay the belt pattern on a single layer of the gold spandex.
-Trace the top and bottom edges, but not the sides.
-Extend the ends of the pattern out until they are as long as your slightly smaller than waist measurement.
-Cut out this pattern and place it on a single layer of canvas.
-Trace and cut this pattern out.
-Since one layer is canvas (i.e. woven and does not stretch) you can use a regular straight stitch sewing the belt.
-With right sides together (the shiny gold side touching the canvas) sew along the top and bottom edges, but not the sides.
-Cut off the top and bottom points of the belts seam allowance as close as you can get to the stitching without actually cutting it.
-Flip the belt inside out.
-Very carefully roll the cardboard belt piece up slightly, so that you can fit it in the side opening hole of the belt. Like pulling on a really tight sock, slide the cardboard up inside the belt until it gets the the middle where it can lay flat. Try really hard not to crease it too much getting it up there. It is possible, just sort of annoying and difficult.
-Now top stitch the edge of the belt all the way around. When you get to the open side holes of the belt, sort of fold them inside the opening and stitch it shut.
-Use your riveter to add eyelets to the back of the belt and put it on by lacing it shut.

-Measure around your head where you want the crown to sit.
-Lay the crown pattern on the folded gold spandex so that the bottom flat edge of the crown is on the fold.
-Extend the ends of the pattern until they are as long as your head measurement. Since this is stretchy you will modify it to be tight on your head once it is finished.
-With right sides together (the shiny gold sides touching) sew (with the zigzag stitch again) along the top edge of the fabric, leaving the sides open.
-Cut off the top point of the crown seam allowance as close as you can get to the stitching without actually cutting it.
-Flip the crown inside out.
-Like with the belt carefully roll up the cardboard insert and slide it up inside until it is where it's suppose to be. It will be much easier with the crown since both sides of the fabric are stretchy.
-Sew the ends together and try it on. It will be too loose, so pinch it together so that it feels tight on your head and sew it together there.
-It is unnecessary to top stitch the crown.
-Paint a red star in the center of the crown.

Become Wonder Woman!

Make your magic gauntlets by taking aluminum take out tray tops, the sliver backed cardboard ones, and adding snaps and eyelets to them. The snaps are to close it at the wrist, and the eyelets are to lace it up the rest of the way. The eyelets are unnecessary, but they look pretty cool.
Since this is a Zombie Wonder Woman costume, I didn't make the traditional Wonder Woman boots, I just wore knee high combat boots. It seems much more fitting. Also, it is awesome.  I wore thigh high red socks with them to pay homage to Wonder Woman's red boots.

Try on everything together. It should all fit your perfectly. It's time to go and dye your hair black or buy a black wig. Now, for the zombification!

Make Your Makeup!

To make your face paint mix about a tablespoon of shortening, a small squirt (about the size of a large pearl) of white acrylic paint and a little sprinkle of cornstarch to thicken up the mixture. I didn't measure anything, just sort of mixed it all together until it looked like I could spread it on my face.

Online recipes say you can make face paint with just shortening, cornstarch flour and glycerin, but they are all liars. Don't listen to them. It doesn't work, I tried like 3 different times. There are also recipes for some made with cornstarch and cold cream, but most cold cream isn't vegan, so that's not cool man.

My recipe works and nothing horrible happened to my face from wearing it.

Make Your BLOOD!!

I tried unsuccessfully to make edible fake blood without using red food coloring. I tried tomatoes and beets to get the color, and while it looks good in the bottle, it looks like crap on your skin. At the last second, I gave in and went and got the food coloring. It makes the blood look awesome. This is what I mixed:

-Bottle of corn syrup
-Half a bottle of red food coloring
-Very generous squirt of chocolate syrup (to give it that dark blood color)
-2 heaping spoons of sunflower butter (I didn't have peanut butter)

Blend it all together. You could even add a little water if you like. It is disgusting pouring it all over yourself, but it tastes delicious, and after about an hour it dries and looks good all night.


-Put on your Wonder Woman costume.
-Cover your exposed face and body skin with the white face paint.
-Take you black eyeshadow and smear in under your cheek bones and eyes to make your face look sunken in.
-Put on lots of black eyeliner and huge fake eyelashes. They make you look totally scary.
-Take your blood and smear it all over your mouth, chin, neck, arms, legs or wherever you got blood on you from gorging on human brains and intestines!
-Bask in the glory of your Zombie Wonder Womanness.
-Moan, stumble, gurgle, or be totally scary and run. Fast zombies are the worst.