Build a Cargo Bike.

by paco perez in Workshop > Metalworking

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Build a Cargo Bike.

2013-07-23 20.02.45.jpg
i´m sorry, i don´t know to write english.I'll try to translate with a translator. I want to thank Mr. carkat. thanks.he helped me.the drawer is smaller by a matter of site


2013-05-23 21.12.52.jpg
2013-06-06 22.03.56.jpg
2013-06-01 01.40.29.jpg
bicycle parts and stainless steel straight pipe


2013-06-06 22.07.51(1).jpg
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2013-06-10 20.11.43.jpg
Stainless steel handle with adjustable height and everything ready to paint with epoxy paint


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hydraulic damper of yamaha r6.Use it to harden the direction


2013-06-11 09.19.19.jpg
2013-06-12 23.56.58.jpg
It was a simple brake lever.all the wires inside the handlebar


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Support of drink made with rubber.
An electrical stamp turned into a manual stamp


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2013-06-13 23.50.14.jpg
Front mudguard of aluminium.Back mudguard of wood.
picture 4.the bike leans to the turn

Accessories and Protective Canopy

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2013-07-14 21.49.53.jpg
2013-07-23 20.02.33.jpg
2013-07-23 19.52.29.jpg
2013-07-25 20.21.19.jpg
2013-07-25 20.21.30.jpg
Purse for tools fact of wood and leather.Leather Bar Tape and saddle
lining leather
picture 3.The curious name of mapa:the booth (el cajon).
picture 6.all cables are hidden inside the handle.
picture 7.inside the crate i put a pad for dog.

Over and to Enjoy

2013-07-20 19.36.27.jpg
2013-08-29 19.44.32.jpg
The truth is it takes quite a lot of space if it's inside a flat.ready to go shopping ¡¡¡¡