Build a Cargo Bike.

i´m sorry, i don´t know to write english.I'll try to translate with a translator. I want to thank Mr. carkat. thanks.he helped me.the drawer is smaller by a matter of site

bicycle parts and stainless steel straight pipe

Stainless steel handle with adjustable height and everything ready to paint with epoxy paint

hydraulic damper of yamaha r6.Use it to harden the direction

It was a simple brake lever.all the wires inside the handlebar

Support of drink made with rubber.
An electrical stamp turned into a manual stamp
An electrical stamp turned into a manual stamp

Front mudguard of aluminium.Back mudguard of wood.
picture 4.the bike leans to the turn
picture 4.the bike leans to the turn
Accessories and Protective Canopy

Purse for tools fact of wood and leather.Leather Bar Tape and saddle
lining leather
picture 3.The curious name of mapa:the booth (el cajon).
picture 6.all cables are hidden inside the handle.
picture 7.inside the crate i put a pad for dog.
lining leather
picture 3.The curious name of mapa:the booth (el cajon).
picture 6.all cables are hidden inside the handle.
picture 7.inside the crate i put a pad for dog.
Over and to Enjoy

The truth is it takes quite a lot of space if it's inside a flat.ready to go shopping ¡¡¡¡