Carousel Horse
![halloween2013 0151.JPG](/proxy/?url= 0151.JPG)
Our dog Kaiah is a rotti mix and is used to wearing dog coats which this costume evolved from. Basic black dog cot with hood easy to find a free pattern on internet i used about 1/2 yard she is 70lbs. Ears are 2 triangles sew leaving bottom open and stuffed paint pink first (i didnt) hand stitch to to of hood. The casing of hood i used elastic and tie ends together to form a strap under dogs chin.
Saddle 3 peices of scrap faux leather. Trace seat shape 2 peices sew together , back of seat 2 small peices with thick interfacing in the center sew attatch seat peices,add 1 peice for strap goes around dog and velcroes to bottom of saddle . Add a horse blanket any small scrap hemed.Sew with fishing line to dog coat a few stitches allowing ssrtap to be attatched
Main and tail is black yarn wind around a cardboard square i used approx 11 inche. Cut i end then hand sew on coat repeat over and over.
Cover costume in jewels i used a big bag from joanns with Alleens tacky glue.
Pole is pipe instation from home depot cut with scissor to size. Paint gold then wrap with ribbon. and hand stitch with fishing line. Glue to costume.
Briddle and reins are ribbon. 2 circles half black elastic half ribbon for comfort. Meaures size for aroung mouth and head. Sew together cover ribbon in jewels. I used 2 d ring on each intendind to connent the 2 peices but Kaiah wouldn't wear that. Attatch ribon to d rings for reins.
The rider doll is a pattern from embrodery library simple gingerbread body shape sewn together with embroderied face. Hair was done same way as horse main only longer. Dress 2 suares sewn together. Sew to saddle with fishing line and legs to dog coat so doll says on durring play ltime