Etched Neon Light

by slimguy379 in Workshop > Lighting

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Etched Neon Light

this project is pretty easy I did it in a total of 2.5 hours (including etching) the list of things needed is
a neon for pc or a car light
about 1.5' of pvc
plexi glass
12v adapter
the tools needed are:
hot glue gun
radial arm saw
stationary sander
and a computer


go on the internet and look up designs relatively easy design such as steal your face, the mortal kombat logo, thundercats logo,and the instructables robot. I stole mine and changed it to black and white using photoshop 15 or adobe. make sure the design is backwards. after that print it out and tap it on one side of the plexi glass make sure you see the picture IT HAS TO BE BACKWARDS!!! after thats set start up your dremel and etch away. if you need tips on etching search it on this website you'll probably find something.

Fitting the Light

the pvc is 1" an the lights have square pegs (square pegs in around hole- cliché) so yo have to sand the edges so it fits in the pvc. after that take your dremel and cut a straight slip in the pvc so the plexi glass will slide in the slit and pick up the light. now I'll talk about the power to the light her is a drawing of whats in the picture
12v from wall ----------------- light pick up --------- to bulb
ground-------------------------- light pick up ----------- to other bulb wire

Finishing Up

now put the light in the pvc, slide the plexi in the slot and hot glue both the bulb and plexi glass in placeplug it in and done . from the pictures you can see that I still need to cut my plexi glass to size but I wanted to finish this tutorial so I could enter it in one of the newer contests.