Fart Machine

this awesome little device will obsolete the whoopee cushion. make it in minutes, disturb and delight your friends and family.

coat hanger
wire cutters
rubber bands (two) thick ones best
washer. small for high pitched squeaks, large for rumbling lingering farts.
wire cutters
rubber bands (two) thick ones best
washer. small for high pitched squeaks, large for rumbling lingering farts.
Cut 8-12 Inch Length of Coathanger

Bend Wire Into a U Shape.

use pliers and bend around them.
Bend Rubber Band Holders on Either Side of "u"

Attach Rubber Bands and Washer.

put two rubber bands through washer as shown.
connect the two ends of each rubber band to the corresponding band hook on the wire piece.
connect the two ends of each rubber band to the corresponding band hook on the wire piece.
Prepare to Break Wind.

wind up the band nice and tight. place it under your rear end on a seat. lift your derrier to release the music....