Nightlight Led Laptop From USB
The Materials
To dock the lamp to computer I used L profiles that shaped and equipped whid Velcro parches in the inside have formed a kind of kalipe.
To understand the distance between the two faces I had to make some provisional tests up to get the right size.
I pasted the pieces together, after establishing the right position, with cianoacrylic glue.
The Circuit
After doing this, I inserted the leds from the back until they are blocked when the wheel base led met the hole
As regards the electrical circuit is elementary because all LEDs are connected to the USB socket 5v through a resistor of limitation that I calculated should be 100 ohm, i.e. each led his strength and all circuits led-resistance are connected in parallel.
I dropped a drop of warm rubber above each diode to secure it, and to protect the contacts from short circuits.
Finally I asked a fuse in series to protect the circuit from a short circuit. I used a fuse from 160 milliamps because the current total should never exceed 100 milliamps for the load which is included; if this were to happen could short-circuit
and then it will be necessary for protection is active.
The Hot Glue
Of course you need to trim with a cutter glue when hardened.
This corner is found by assembling all in position and on seeing when you get a beam of light optimal and storing the corner. bear in mind that some fault tolerance can be accepted as a bit of adjustment you can obtain it by moving the screen support lane.
After having established the angle must be definitively set with a few drops of glue casting with precision angular cavity between the support and fitting.
The Test
I forgot to mention that the fuse has been covered with rubber in order for a replacement
To conclude, I must say that I am satisfied with this realization, mainly for its practicality and utilities: And practice because once positioned must not be more regulated and does not move with the movements of the laptop; it is useful and I am even now while I'm writing: without it the keyboard would be dark seeds.
I think his aesthetic impact from off both be improved still somewhat when he lit it gives the best of himself. In the case that this instructable we both liked and please Vote For Me if you wish, I'll be happy! Every comment or suggestion will be welcome. Thanks for your attention, goodbye to the next...