Knex Battle Bots
2 months ago I saw this video for a knex crank shaft. the motor was not strong enough to launch the white rod. so I had a idea to use the motor to pull back the ram. this is what i came up with. its not very powerful but is a machine gun with no chain.
this is my first Instructable so be nice.
the instructions are done
please post any mods for a different motor.
update the gunbot 2.0 instructions are hear!!!! ya!!!
because not every body liked the mg and and i have many other things i could put on it the body is know going to be known as the bot and the mods determent the name so the first bot is gunbot.
mod can be posted on this forum
instructions for knife bot 2.0 hammerbot 1.0 and 2.0 drillbot 1.0 and pushbot 1.0 (working on name)are not going to happen!!!!
not many people commented that they made it or that they cared about these bots being made. i have moved on to a rubber band shooting robot that can fire 6 rubber bands at a time. i will post the instructions for the mod for the bot to make it fire rubber bands. the robot will have its own insructable. it will be able to turn, have hands that will move, and have two of my automatic rubber band shooters. it will be done with cyber knex motors(if i can find them on ebay but i haven't had much luck). all that comes to 8 motors. i hope it will work.
it worked... kind of. i did not use the cyber knex motors. i used the control-a-bot motor that i had laying around.
it is here.!!!!!!!/
2 months ago I saw this video for a knex crank shaft. the motor was not strong enough to launch the white rod. so I had a idea to use the motor to pull back the ram. this is what i came up with. its not very powerful but is a machine gun with no chain.
this is my first Instructable so be nice.
the instructions are done
please post any mods for a different motor.
update the gunbot 2.0 instructions are hear!!!! ya!!!
because not every body liked the mg and and i have many other things i could put on it the body is know going to be known as the bot and the mods determent the name so the first bot is gunbot.
mod can be posted on this forum
instructions for knife bot 2.0 hammerbot 1.0 and 2.0 drillbot 1.0 and pushbot 1.0 (working on name)are not going to happen!!!!
not many people commented that they made it or that they cared about these bots being made. i have moved on to a rubber band shooting robot that can fire 6 rubber bands at a time. i will post the instructions for the mod for the bot to make it fire rubber bands. the robot will have its own insructable. it will be able to turn, have hands that will move, and have two of my automatic rubber band shooters. it will be done with cyber knex motors(if i can find them on ebay but i haven't had much luck). all that comes to 8 motors. i hope it will work.
it worked... kind of. i did not use the cyber knex motors. i used the control-a-bot motor that i had laying around.
it is here.!!!!!!!/
The Gun Part
easy to follow. look at notes.
this part is needed for all the bots
you should see the gunbot 2.0 mod even if you make a different bot.
this part is needed for all the bots
you should see the gunbot 2.0 mod even if you make a different bot.
Hopper and Barrel
most important thing on here. it had to be able to drop the green rod in all by itself with out a rubberband because that would put to much stress on the motor(it is already stressed because it has to pull the ram back and move the tank). the instructions are almost step by step adding one peace at a time. some times it will jam but don't touch it the hopper shakes every time the tank fires.
Put It All Together
easy step
Loading and Firing
look at the pictures and i added a video.
the first video is part one loading.
the second video is firing
the first video is part one loading.
the second video is firing
My Guns
all my guns... except ipods killers sniper(taking apart) gorkems sniper(trying to build) and my moded killerk magnum(safety reasons
does any one want me to post my moded cylone?
does any one want me to post my moded cylone?
Gunbot Changes for All Bots
there are still some bugs to work out but it is more powerful and is beter looking. it is more powerful because it only has to turn the gears and not always the chain so when normaly the wheel would luck up the chane stops moving puting less stress on the motor.
first build all of the origirnal except the two grey rods that have the wheels on them
this is a good mod for all bots
first build all of the origirnal except the two grey rods that have the wheels on them
this is a good mod for all bots
Knifebot 1.0
it is stronger and faster then gunbot but it has a knife insetad of a berral and ram