meh... is this textfield necessary?
ZipDart V.2 -- Repeater Slingshot by Dreamwave (Build)
2.1K Views, 13 Favorites
Jolt: a Bolt-action, Semi Repeating, Bullpup, Mag Fed, Compound Slingshot.
1.4K Views, 5 Favorites
Knex Swivel Mag
807 Views, 3 Favorites
Pullpup (failed)
639 Views, 0 Favorites
ZipDart (build)
873 Views, 5 Favorites
ZipDart (KNEX Gun)
768 Views, 5 Favorites
Failed (kinda Just Gave Up on It Really...) Shell Ejecting Vector Mech
320 Views, 1 Favorites
Pullpup V.2
595 Views, 4 Favorites
PullPup V.1
740 Views, 2 Favorites
Enhanced Double Bolt Long-pin Rifle
702 Views, 3 Favorites
Forward Assist Knex Slingshot (the Real One! Vote for It in the Contest or Whatever!)
988 Views, 6 Favorites
Dreamwave Bolt-Action True Horizontal-Magazine Sniper (D-BAHM)
510 Views, 3 Favorites
KNEX Bolt Action Horizontal Repeater Mech
735 Views, 5 Favorites
DBAR/TCR V1/2 (Dreamwave Bullpup Assault Rifle Versions 1 and 2, TAR-21 Custom Rebuild)
1.1K Views, 0 Favorites
New Knex Gun Low-friction/high Strength Mech
409 Views, 0 Favorites