Joined November 12th, 201315 Instructables 506,055 Views 52 Comments 392 Followers
Görkem's Instructables
10K+ Views
Earned a bronze medal
10+ Featured Instructable
Earned a silver medal
Contest Winner
Grand Prize in the Halloween Contest
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Magnets Contest
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Clocks Contest
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Halloween Contest
Contest Winner
Grand Prize in the Halloween Contest
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Make It Fly Challenge
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the IoT Challenge
Contest Winner
Grand Prize in the Pocket Sized Contest
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Safe and Secure Challenge
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Halloween Contest 2018
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Clocks Contest
Contest Winner
Grand Prize in the Raspberry Pi Contest 2017
Contest Winner
Grand Prize in the Space Contest 2016
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Make It Fly Contest 2016