In A Galaxy Far, Far, Away...   Joined September 13th, 2014
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Hey Guys, This the Official OfficialKNEXGUY's Instructables page! Ok, where do I start...I am 19 years old and I am a K'nex Maniac. Also, I love playing video games and watching YouTube. I am a HUGE fan of the following people: sandroknexmaster, Sorunome, Shadowman39, martijnb95, Knextreme, knexpert#10829476, dr.richtofen (instructables user), The Red Book of Westmarch, 18efroese, Knextus, Kona-chan, I_am_Canadian, lucas_the_boss, Thibault Art, CorgiCritter, JohnnyBGood, Herbedeflerb, jaredb1 a…

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