Electric Chainsaw Mill
11K Views, 119 Favorites
Powder Coating
3.5K Views, 17 Favorites
144 Watt Solar Panel
1.1K Views, 5 Favorites
Leatherman Ukulele
886 Views, 3 Favorites
Dutch Oven Meal,,
2.0K Views, 22 Favorites
Solar Lens From TV
20K Views, 277 Favorites
Hand Tools Cigar Box Guitar
6.7K Views, 157 Favorites
Solar Pop Can Heater
6.4K Views, 126 Favorites
Rocket Stoves for the Homestead.
14K Views, 134 Favorites
Cardboard and Duct Tape Solar Oven
61K Views, 341 Favorites
DIY Solar Panels for RV or Off Grid
85K Views, 619 Favorites
The "Solar Baby 2 " Solar Oven.
33K Views, 285 Favorites
"The Solar Baby" Solar Oven, Cooker.
39K Views, 249 Favorites
Recycled Solar Power
150K Views, 275 Favorites
Wind Powered Ametek 30 Wind Generator
63K Views, 205 Favorites
Solar Hot Water Heater Batch Pre-heater
98K Views, 202 Favorites