LEDBERG (ikea) Easy Desk Lamp Conversion
6.7K Views, 11 Favorites
DIY Camera Strap and Hand Grip in One
11K Views, 24 Favorites
Gift Terrariums Ideas
16K Views, 114 Favorites
Reusing Lightbulbs: As Planters or Mini Terrariums
360K Views, 635 Favorites
Slideshow: IPod-tables DVD Case Speakers-cheap and Easy
4.5K Views, 9 Favorites
Mousepad As Guitar Pickguard
5.0K Views, 5 Favorites
Webcam in a Hawkeye Brownie Camera
18K Views, 82 Favorites
HDTv Antenna on a Direct TV Mount.
199K Views, 191 Favorites
Lcd Photo Frame or DPF (yet Another!)
17K Views, 24 Favorites
Cheap and Easy Moleskine - "sort Of"
88K Views, 524 Favorites
Usb Dongles for USB Over CAT5 Connection
275K Views, 166 Favorites
Jar Lamp
42K Views, 283 Favorites
Minimalistic Desk
224K Views, 782 Favorites
Multiple Guitar Stand
142K Views, 224 Favorites