Hi, I'm Craig. I live in the UK.
Inkblot/Rorschach Splatter T-shirts
371 Views, 1 Favorites
Simple Wood Workbench
26K Views, 210 Favorites
Scrap Wood Mallets
1.7K Views, 9 Favorites
OpenSCAD: Introduction and Notes
3.8K Views, 7 Favorites
Dinosaur Coat Hanger:
1.9K Views, 4 Favorites
Vegan Winter Pie
450 Views, 2 Favorites
Leather Leaf Bowl
2.1K Views, 25 Favorites
Vice Clean Up - Record No.3
10K Views, 3 Favorites
Replace Front Brake Disks and Pads on a Citroen C3
8.4K Views, 13 Favorites
Replacing Rear Brake Shoes and Brake Cylinder on an '06 Citroen C3
28K Views, 8 Favorites
Spark Plug Change on a Citroen C3
30K Views, 3 Favorites
Putting Useful Pictures on Your Barclays Credit/debit Card
5.3K Views, 6 Favorites
Floral Arm Sling
12K Views, 8 Favorites
Viking Weave Necklace and Bracelet
137K Views, 481 Favorites
Replace a Wing Mirror on a Citroen C3 2006-2008
20K Views, 2 Favorites
Solar Wiimote Charger
2.2K Views, 9 Favorites
Oil, Oil Filter and Air Filter Change on a Citroen C3 2006-2008
31K Views, 5 Favorites
Paper Disk DNA Preparation
4.3K Views, 16 Favorites
Two-dimensional Vectrometer
2.0K Views, 13 Favorites
Leather Tooling Punches
94K Views, 772 Favorites
Book Protector
10K Views, 48 Favorites