Renewed WiFi Real Time Clock/Calendar/Weather Station Project, With TFT 3.5” LCD Display and NodeMCU ESP 8266 OTA
134 Views, 0 Favorites
Date, Time, Thermo and Humidity Meter, Using Arduino Nano, LCD 16x2, DHT22 and DS3231, With Automatic DST .
1.2K Views, 7 Favorites
Automatic Router Resetter, Made by OpenAI.
448 Views, 4 Favorites
ILI9327 TFT, BME280, DS3231: Display Date, Time, Temp, Humidity and Pressure, Heat Index, DST, With Min and Max Values Saved on Micro SD.
1.3K Views, 4 Favorites
GPS Receiver With Oled Display
845 Views, 1 Favorites
Watch Winder
1.4K Views, 4 Favorites