MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA......BEST CITY IN THE WORLD!!! Joined July 30th, 200911 Instructables 51,254 Views 216 Comments 115 Followers
Hey, my name is Matt, and i am well known as G-train. That sums up my life pretty much. IF YOU WANT ANY GUNS U WANT ME TO MAKE JUST LET ME KNOW!!!!!!!!! I want to make a AK 47 bullpup (mag behind handle) and another gun which i cant tell you so you dont steal my idea :P Join my group "The Best Knex Guns". My avatars were made by: axiys zx and Hiyadudez Add my msn: matty.g-train@hotmail.com Add my PS3 online ID: x_Sc0PeZ ( the 0 is a zero)