Sims Dead Cell Candle Runs on a "Dead" D Cell Battery for Over a Month. DIY LED Light Project.
2.5K Views, 19 Favorites
Washing Your Hands With One Ounce of Water
4.6K Views, 7 Favorites
Food Dehydrating With a Pilot Light Flame
2.6K Views, 7 Favorites
Thermos Cooking. Drastically Reduce Your Fuel Use.
4.1K Views, 11 Favorites
Easy Light Beam Audio Transmitter: Only 3 Parts. Plus Bonus Preamp Schematics.
3.9K Views, 30 Favorites
Super Size Your Battery Run Time: D Cell Battery Packs
2.7K Views, 21 Favorites
Modify the RadioShack Amplifier to Power a Condenser Microphone Element
3.1K Views, 11 Favorites
LED Lighting: One "Dead" D Cell at a Time.
3.5K Views, 14 Favorites
Luxstar's Scratch Pad
3.1K Views, 12 Favorites
Emergency Food: Double Your Calories for Pennies a Meal.
3.8K Views, 12 Favorites
Cheap and Easy 12V Clip Lights for the Off Grid World
7.4K Views, 87 Favorites
Cooking With Three Candle Flames
53K Views, 18 Favorites
Rayovac Bright 10 LED Mod. 150 Hours. Under $6.00
8.1K Views, 26 Favorites
10 Minute Oil Lamp
12K Views, 20 Favorites
Stylish Two Drawer Faraday Cage
85K Views, 94 Favorites
Condenser Microphone Power Supply
74K Views, 56 Favorites
Cooking With Fat....As a Fuel
3.0K Views, 18 Favorites
Easier Flashlight Mod Increases Run Time 3.6X
43K Views, 51 Favorites
$3.50 Flashlight + 20 Cent Upgrade = 500 Hour Run Time
25K Views, 71 Favorites
Easy Bean Sprouter. It Works Great.
21K Views, 20 Favorites
Uses for Dead Car Batteries and Sealed Lead Acid Batteries
368K Views, 371 Favorites
Dead Center Camera Lighting for Macro Photography
3.4K Views, 5 Favorites
LEDS. Make Them Glow When They Are Not Turned On.
39K Views, 104 Favorites
Emergency Led Lighting Made Ridiculously Simple (UPDATED 2-13-14)
16K Views, 21 Favorites
400 Farad Super Capacitor Flashlight. Build This One. It's Easy.
33K Views, 33 Favorites
93% Efficient DC to DC Converter
46K Views, 28 Favorites
Simple Electric Skylight Made From Solar Lawn Lights
4.4K Views, 20 Favorites
2600 Farad Capacitor Flashlight
33K Views, 35 Favorites