Bamboo Chalk Holder.
9.4K Views, 24 Favorites
Life Changing Egg Trick
18K Views, 32 Favorites
Training Wheels for Your Helicopter.
30K Views, 27 Favorites
Bamboo Dining Table and Benches
43K Views, 155 Favorites
Assembling the 8020 Chopper
16K Views, 57 Favorites
Open a Bottle of Wine With a Piece of String.
271K Views, 202 Favorites
Tin Can Stilts
8.3K Views, 7 Favorites
Vacuum Cannon (revisited)
14K Views, 18 Favorites
Wrench Xylophone
37K Views, 27 Favorites
Rain Detector
45K Views, 45 Favorites
4.5m Trainer Kite
23K Views, 47 Favorites
6.5m Kite
14K Views, 35 Favorites
IAP 7.5m Kite
13K Views, 22 Favorites
8.5m Kite V 1.0
9.0K Views, 21 Favorites
8.5m Kite V 2.0
5.9K Views, 16 Favorites
12.5m Kite V1.0
7.4K Views, 10 Favorites
12.5m Kite V2.0
4.7K Views, 13 Favorites
17m Kite V1.0
4.9K Views, 13 Favorites
17m Kite V2.0
10K Views, 16 Favorites
Sew a Kite
36K Views, 85 Favorites
Soda Fountain
6.8K Views, 2 Favorites
Stuffed Toy Whiteboard Eraser
5.1K Views, 4 Favorites
Simple Belt.
3.7K Views, 16 Favorites
Pop-Up 3D Words and Messages!
366K Views, 385 Favorites
Laser Etching Macintosh Powerbooks.
95K Views, 85 Favorites
Marking My Powerbook Batteries by Laser.
11K Views, 6 Favorites
Bicycle Frame Protection
27K Views, 19 Favorites
Bicycle Trailer Hitch - Quick Release Hose Coupling.
112K Views, 147 Favorites
Tyvek Projector Screen
132K Views, 146 Favorites
Restoring a Coffee Grinder.
24K Views, 30 Favorites
Protect Your LCD (IPOD or Digital Camera)
18K Views, 12 Favorites
Nail Painting Board.
6.6K Views, 20 Favorites
Wetsuit Hangers From Bicycle Rims.
4.5K Views, 10 Favorites
8020 Chopper
25K Views, 51 Favorites
Penny Washers
26K Views, 44 Favorites
Car Stereo Speaker Mounts From Garden Drainage Housings.
6.0K Views, 11 Favorites
Twisted Spoke Bicycle Wheel Lacing - Flowers!
167K Views, 172 Favorites
Origin of the Species - Wall Hanging -194x42in.
24K Views, 23 Favorites
Laser Cut Spray Paint Stencils
79K Views, 48 Favorites
3D Chocolate Printer Made From LEGO
223K Views, 287 Favorites
Rubber Band Shooter
58K Views, 76 Favorites
Book Wall Hangings - Flatlands - Cube
19K Views, 30 Favorites
Air Powered Bicycle.
162K Views, 124 Favorites
Helicopter Toy
22K Views, 42 Favorites
Bicycle Trailer.
216K Views, 302 Favorites
Video Camera Mount for Bicycle
38K Views, 53 Favorites
Light Box
31K Views, 150 Favorites
Fart Machine
50K Views, 67 Favorites
Electric Chopper... Version 1.
13K Views, 23 Favorites
Transition Electric Scooter.
20K Views, 22 Favorites
Quick Bolt Shortening Tutorial
94K Views, 34 Favorites
Tow in Skateboard..
43K Views, 91 Favorites
Folding Your Own Envelope -Origami Style
336K Views, 153 Favorites
Neoprene Laptop Bag.
59K Views, 132 Favorites
Disco Helmet
8.4K Views, 22 Favorites